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    Disallow terms discount on sales tax.

    When a terms code is set up with a discount, it computes that discount for the entire invoice including sales tax. Who wants to give a discount on sales tax? Not me, ...
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    Add First and Last Names to Master Console

    Would really be handy to have the users first and last names added to the master console.
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    Ability to Customize Cost Roll Up Register Selection Screen

    The cost roll up register screen now defaults to "Average Cost" would like this screen to be customizable so we can default to "Standard Cost" or another costing method. ...
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    Global inventory field change

    This would be very helpful in changing may similar items. Easier then through VI.
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    Include copying price levels in the copy feature in inventory ...

    We waste alot of time entering in price levels for similar products.
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    Ability to view files attached to memo's prior to saving

    When attaching a file to a memo, if you look at the attached file prior to saving, it does not save the attached file. You must attach the file to the memo, save it, ...
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    The ability to email "Explorer Reports" using Thunderbird as your mail ...

    When you create reports in the modules using "Explorer" you can email them directly without saving & attaching using "Outlook", but other mail programs such as ...
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    Add more report options, like filters and columns to display

    In that "Q" bookkeeping program, when you bring up a report preview, you can adjust the ranges or show/hide columns and get an immediate refresh. In MAS, you have no ...
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    Too many TABS!

    No one uses an 11" screen anymore. I have plenty of real estate available to see the production entry header and detail on the screen at once. Ditto with SO header and ...
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    Allow control of sites linked with MAS90, ie UPS

    In other words, iship sucks and doesn't have near as much information as actual shipper's site. For customers who only use one shipper, being able to link directly to ...
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    Ability to identify "similar" invoice numbers in addition to exact ...

    For example, if an invoice #05489 for a particular vendor is already in the system and someone attempts to enter invoice #5489 for the same vendor with the same dollar ...
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    Need access to VI Business Objects for PL_JournalPDFLog, ...

    Currently there is no way to import into the log files which would help from an ability to add PDFs to paperless viewer which either did not convert or were in earlier ...
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    An option in Cash Receipts to not take discount with terms.

    Customers do not always take a terms discount. By having the ability to shut off terms discount in cash receipts, we wouldn't have to remove the discount from each ...
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    Automatically save credit card information in version 4.4 and higher.

    With the implementation of PCI, credit card security has been beefed up tremendously. Since there is no longer a way to entire credit card information without an invoice ...
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    AR Main, Invoice History Inquiry, when you are looking at an invoice ...

    AR Main, Invoice History Inquiry, when you are looking at an invoice and hit the "current" tab. it'd be great if you would add the date the payment was made on this ...
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    Add Item Description to BOM Maintenance screen

    Display Item Descriptions of BOM Components on the BOM Maintenance screen without needing to click on each line.
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    Enable the cancel print button

    When a report is spooling you get a box the tells you the report is spooling and what page it is at. There is a cancel button - but if you click on the button nothing ...
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    Default values should be capable of being set in all checkboxes, ...

    custom office should allow all entry boxes to have default values if desired. We want to have the print options on sales order to always be checked on. (Previously we ...
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    Bring back the chat function and ability to shut down individual user ...

    In a much older version of MAS 90 you could chat with other logged-in users. It was a very basic function, but quite handy. Also, if given proper permissions, you could ...
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    would like to have a memo note block added to PO's for comments used ...

    Sometimes detailed information needs to be noted in the PO file for a specific vendor and there is not sufficient room on the comment line. This is information that ...