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    Printing from the Customer Inquiry screen

    When I bring up the A/R Customer Inquiry screen and enter a customer number, and then click on the transactions tab (or any other tab) to display the invoices and ...
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    Quicker availability for urgent fixes

    Recently became involved in two problems with the new 4.4 Bill of Materials. Understandably, the customer became very agitated that the problems would be fixed in ...
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    User Automatic Logoff - Include non-write actions, such as ...

    In MAS 200 the user Automatic Logoff setting feature triggers after a designated time with no 'Activity'. Currently, 'Activity' is defined as 'Write' activity only, such ...
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    Why go through the PAIN of VI exports and Imports when the EXPLORE FEATURE IS THERE. ALL WE NEED is just the ability to modify data or enter data in this view. THIS WILL ...
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    Add ability to enter mailing address when processing a manual check ...

    Right now, I type in the vendor's name when using a 'NOF' vendor and have to either to hand write the mailing address on the printed check or create a label and use a ...
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    When printing Cash Requirements it never sets up vendor by cash ...

    When requesting a Cash Requirements report the date it keys into is the net date due for the invoice not the cash discount date, so I need to eyeball those suppliers ...
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    In A/P Repetitive Data Entry, be able to use the Vendor's invoice ...

    If the invoice number from the Vendor's invoice could be entered, it would less confusing to the vendor and reduce phone calls to verify what is being paid.
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    When running a report have the ability to select multiple items, not ...

    When selecting criteria while running a report, the only options are an individual item, a specified range, or is or is not equal to. It would be nice to have the i.e. ...
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    End Crystal while reading records.

    In previous versions prior to 10, if you selected not to use server for speed in the report options, you could could stop the report while Crystal was reading the ...
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    Print the Sales Order number on the Salesperson Commission Report.

    When I am verifying that the commission percentage is accurate, I have to go into Sales Order Invoice History Inquiry, enter the invoice# to see the S/O#. I then need to ...
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    Ability to index UDF fields and other non-key fields for faster ALE ...

    We have several UDF's that we need fast access to for our customer service representitves who have customers on the phone. ALE look up takes 3 to 4 minutes to provide ...
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    Keep rebuild key files window open after running one module.

    When one module is run in rebuild sort files, the window remains open to do another module. The rebuild key files window does not stay open after running one module.
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    Document Management

    Organize all your business documents in one place. Attach electronic documents to any customer, vendor, employee, account, or transaction.
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    Decimal precision expansion through out the system

    Increase decimal precision to at least 6 through out the system
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    Master file keys

    All the master files should have a key rather than using the Customer Number, Vendor Number, Item Number, etc. as the identifier the same way MAS500 does. The current ...
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    Add role security to the ability to delete/renumber/merge RANGES of ...

    I must have 6 to 10 (very sad) calls per year from users who unintentionally renumber ranges of items. The need to renumber a range is so seldom that the option to use a ...
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    Recent Items Visited list

    Add a Recent Items Visited list on the user screen for quick click access to the last ten items the user had accessed. This would save time and make the system more ...
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    Make MAS Faster! Screen pops and inquiries take too long.

    Version 4.x of MAS is 2-10x slower than version 3.x. We find it's unusable in a normal install, we have to run it via Terminal Services. Screen pops and inquiries that ...
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    Default Payment Type

    In AR Customer Maintenance/Additional tab the Dflt Payment Type is hard coded to choose CHECK from the drop down. This is set in the code and cannot be changed; it is ...
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    4.4 MIgration should not remove Sample Companies from the installation

    Found this on our installl and also at a client upgrade: Install ABC (and/or ABX,EEC,XYZ) as part of the MAS 200 4.4 installation. Then migrate data from a 4.3 install. ...