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    Minority Report Job categories

    We discovered that the Minority Report 5-1-6-41 (OFCCP Utilization Report) uses the employees position for ALL job categories if there are ANY hours that are missing a ...
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    work comp report 5-1-5-21 job select criteria box

    Will you PLEASE unlock the Job number drop-down search criteria box? It ridiculous that it's locked at 'between', and that I CANNOT choose 'equal', 'greater', 'less', ...
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    Please add the ability to MODIFY Report 5-1-2-41

    I need to be able to print this report by RECORD NUMBER so that this report ties back to the job costs for that record. Please open up the ability to modify this ...
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    work comp maximum wage column at 5-3-2

    The statement at 5-3-2 maximum wage column, that this "applies to the states of New York and Ohio only" is FALSE. In California, corporate officers actually DO have a ...
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    An employee IRS LEVY, while not necessarily common, is not outside the scope of 'normal'. An IRS levy is different from a child support garnishment, which is usually a ...
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    You shouldn't have to have administrator status in order to change ...

    Your HR manager who is responsible for entering payroll records should be able to change an inactive record back to active when you rehire a person who was a previous ...
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    Aatrix - be able to run certified reports for a whole month

    For anyone running multiple certified reports in a month. It would be helpful to be able to run the certified reports for a month instead of just a week and eliminate ...
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    5-1-6 reports - Be able to select a specific employee

    When running the 5-1-6 Certified reports, we'd like the ability to be able to run the reports for just one employee. Adding a selection criteria for the Employee field ...
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    Allow from payroll to delete employees at the end of the year

    Ability to delete terminated employees after the year end tax reports are completed and you have archived the payroll (they are still in the archived payroll, but need to ...
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    Vacation and Sick time deduct from accrual accounts

    The dollars for sick and vacation need to be deducted from the General Ledger accrual accounts or added to the overhead expense accounts. Have to ability to post to ...
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    One line payroll report by employee from one date to the next

    A one line report by employee that shows gross pay, deductions, and net pay from beginning date to end date.
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    Need to be able to create a direct deposit file that is .dat instead ...

    My bank only accepts .dat and therefore I cannot process payroll at all with this software! We have been using the software for 3 months! And we have not been able to ...
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    Set up HSA deduction as direct deposit

    Customers need to deposit the employee HSA deduction into the employee's individual HSA bank account and would like a way to be able to process this through payroll ...
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    Payroll check register by locale

    Would be nice to be able to run payroll check register by state locale when a multi state employer. Right now seems to only pick up state that is entered in employee ...
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    Update CA-131 Notic to Public Entity to current legal format

    The last page of the Aatirx CA-131 is not the current form and needs to be updated in order for us to use these certified payroll forms
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    union payroll requires specific calculations and some are made from Net Wages NOT Gross Wages. It is necessary to compute properly.
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    Allow "In List" job selection on WC report (5-5-5-21)

    I need to be able to select specific jobs for the WC report. The current report is locked with only "Between" as an option.
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    Payroll report-simple

    Payroll report with Gross, FICA, Social Security, FIT, State Tax, SDI, Garnishments, Insurance - all on one line, from beg date to end date.
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    ACA reporting

    Need to have the reports required for the new ACA reporting.
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    Piece Work for California

    Need to have better detail with piece work. Check stub needs to show # pieces, rate per piece, and total for piece work for each line of piece work by day. This is ...