• Votes


    Recurring Payables can not be used with paperless

    It would be great if Paperless had the same functionality as Sage 100 when it came to using Recurring Payables. There currently is no link between the two. If Recurring ...
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    Ability to mark costs Not Billable when entering Payable ...

    It would be great to be able to mark costs as Not Billable on the screens where the costs are entered - like Payable Invoice/Credits, Credit Card Receipts, and Payroll ...
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    Choose GL checks to print

    Others are creating GL checks and I only want to print certain checks but currently have to print all the checks that are in that are saved.
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    save view for previous recs

    We would like the ability to save the lookup window's view to be organized by account rather than by month.
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    Make Client Short Name the DEFAULT for 4-2 AP Invoice Vendor field

    Often times Vendor names begin with the city name, so only the first one in the list populates or we have to go in every time/multiple x per day to select the correct ...
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    Accounts Payable - Limit Vendor Access

    We need different tiers or different access levels for users that need to view the vendor list in accounts payable. We have users that we would prefer not see some of the ...
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    added credit card charges do not appear v25.1330

    When using the add transaction button in 4-7-5 reconcile credit cards, the refresh icon is not updating the screen to show the items I added. It also happened on another ...
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    Need ability to record ACH payments separately in Pay Vendors window

    We have a vendor in which we have several ACH payments made on the same day, and show up on our bank statement separately. At the vendor information level, you can ...
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    Keep lien waiver history in Sage

    Allow lookup (and reprint if necessary) of subcontractor lien waivers. Currently need to have a separate accounting sheet to track lien waivers, such as when they are ...
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    Warning: The following vendors may be missing certificates for these ...

    We need clarity on what this warning means. What is this supposed to be telling us. What triggers this specific warning. I feel that we are either missing a ...
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    Vendors cannot be deleted - SQL

    Vendors cannot be deleted due to old issues that SQL is now recognizing, and therefore blocking the vendor deletion. I just got off the phone with Sage support and I was ...
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    CANDIAN EDITION: Tax is not calculating correctly on Holdbacks

    Some provinces invoice items that are subject to taxes and not subject to tax on the same invoice. If an invoice also has holdback, the holdback invoice needs to ...
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    Prevent or warn if cost is being applied to billed or paid service ...

    We are currently having to check each work order number for “work order status” before we add AP invoices. We have over a thousand service work orders / invoices a month, ...
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    In screen 4-7-3 after entering a bill, the cursor used to return back ...

    In screen 4-7-3 after entering a bill, the cursor used to return back to the Payee line and now returns to the Description on line 1. Please have it return back to the ...
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    4-2 and 4-7-3 AP Equipment Costs

    4-2 and 4-7-3 AP Equipment Costs defaults the cursor to the ledger total field rather than the equipment number for data entry. Please restore the cursor default to the ...
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    AP Supplier Invoice Import

    Who: Accounts Payable Department What: Specific field entry upload for Supplier, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Purchase Order Number, Invoice Total, Discount Amount, ...
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    Negative credit card charge from PO

    I would like the ability to enter a PO for a negative amount (for when an item purchased by credit card is returned), so I can post an invoice to the PO and then apply ...
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    When parts are purchased with a P/O, and the parts are received, if ...

    When parts are purchased with a P/O, and the parts are received (purchase order receipts), if parts are then used (inventory allocation) before the invoice is received, ...
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    Under 4-4 Open invoices we used to see discounts for our customers ...

    Under 4-4 Open invoices we used to see discounts for our customers that have them under discount now it isn't showing unless its taken and under paid only? Also deletes ...
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    We would like to reimburse a vendor for materials without affecting ...

    In 4-2 (Payable Invoices/Credits) there should be an option on the grid to choose "exclude from 1099 balance".