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    discounts on set to pay screen

    We have vendors that invoice ending the 25th with discounts if you pay by the 10th. The invoices from the 25th to the end of the month have different due date and ...
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    Vendor Retainage for A/P Invoices

    We have a handful of our turnkey vendors that we are needing to hold a retainage back on all their A/P invoices. Needing something similar to the retainage rate under ...
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    Pull job cost enteries by date

    We currently use 2-5-21 to pull job costs entered by date as we do weekly dashboards. It would be nice to be able to pull a job cost report by entry date.
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    Entering Credit Cared

    If you are entering a receipt in CC & you have to change the posting period, it clears out what you entered in the Payee Field & defaults to the CC you are using!!!
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    New Use Tax Report 4-1-7-21 needs totals for invoiced column

    I see that it is a modifiable report, but the canned report should just include totals for the invoiced amounts as well. In CA you report the invoiced amount and they ...
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    Automatically populate different check numbers across different ...

    Automatically populate different check numbers across different checking accounts in 4-3-2. We use two operating accounts with difference check numbering sequences
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    AP Warning when you keypunch the incorrect previous year on manual ...

    It lets you add a wrong calendar year when entering invoices or manual check dates Warning should say that calendar year is closed Just like when changing an invoice it ...
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    Select PO Batches to pay in 4-2 Invoice screen

    We can assign Batch numbers in the 6-6-1 PO screen. However, we cannot select the Batch to pay. This would be helpful with Home Depot, Lowes, CC payments to our monthly ...
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    Capability of adding webpage to clients and vendors to make on-line ...

    We pay many of our vendors online, so it would be nice to be able to get to their website from within sage in their files. So the capability to enter webpages in their ...
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    Select invoices to be paid

    I would like to see another field shown on this display - which would be an associated Purchase Order. We issue Purchase orders for Contract Jobs - when using progress ...
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    set temporary defaults for AP

    When entering numerous invoices from the same vendor it would be great to be able to have the system autoselect that vendor for the next entry (like a use last radio ...
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    Menu 4-3-1 Set AP Invoices to Pay: Add a column labeled "Joint Check"

    Menu 4-3-1 Set AP Invoices to Pay: Add a column labeled "Joint Check" to flag AP invoices that have included a secondary payee. This idea is submitted on behalf of ...
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    In the 4-3-1 pick list the 2 click process was altered in the new ...

    When you use the 2 click process (as instructed by Sage) it automatically returns you to the previous screen not allowing you to add additional invoices. You must single ...
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    In 4-4 AP under any vendor when selected the payment tab does not ...

    Every accountant or anybody paying the invoices would want to see transactions in the invoice payment history tab in order. It does not make sense to have half of 2017's ...
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    Purchase Orders 06-06-01 (Invoice Tab) ERROR Voided invoices should ...

    Purchase Order 06-06-01 [Invoice Tab] The invoice total and Balance should not include Voided invoices (status 5) . Voided invoices are not part of the invoice total ...
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    Problems with 4-7-3 : entering vendor's invoice, the payment terms ...

    This is a big problem, and it must be fixed.
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    Credit card "match credit card transactions" bank feed needs "card ...

    We LOVE the new credit card feed add!!! It would be more helpful if we could identify by card holder, who the unmatched transactions stem from to easily research and find ...
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    Block Vendor Payment Detail

    Can you please set up something that allows you to block vendor payment details to a general office security? We have people who work on estimating, job autopsies and ...
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    4-2 Payable invoices - G/L Insur field - calculate and track ...

    Use same concept as Workers Comp field on Payable invoices screen. Able to calculate, deduct, and track expense for surcharges deducted for G/L insurance on uninsured ...
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    Add a feature to ACH payments that emails the LIen Waivers to each fo ...

    During the ACH payment process, Sage 100 Contractor displays a prompt to email vendor receipts that notify them that their payment has been sent via ACH transaction. Is ...