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    Are you trying to put us all in glasses as thick as Coke bottles?

    Please fix the font
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    Make the font bigger so we can actually read it!

    We cannot read the font, please make it bigger.
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    Font is hard to read

    Please fix the font - too hard to read, much too small
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    make the font size adjustable

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    the font is terrible

    please give us a better font to work with
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    fix the font

    Please give us a better font to work with.
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    better font

    Font style and size is much too small. Please make it adjustable
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    If you won't make the vendor field longer, allow custom fields on the ...

    It's embarrassing to send check with vendor names abbreviated - We have a custom field to use on our custom reports, but when I tried to use it for our AP checks I was ...
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    AP "Enter invoices" grid

    The grid to enter invoices is small and hard to read. Is there any way to make this grid larger??
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    AP, Record Pmts by Credit card - SHOULD NOT be automatically 1099 ...

    When you get to the distribution screen in C/C pmts, it automatically puts that invoice as exempt even if that Vendor is setup to receive a 1099. When entering an ...
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    Work order, zero $ invoice doesn't offset itself in AR when re-opening ...

    I had a customer return a part that hadn't been paid for, but had been invoiced, so I went back into the work order and entered a line with a negative qty to return the ...
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    Different font size for check stub and for check face.

    The difference in font size for stub and face allows for more invoices to be listed on the the check stub and still have the face font size fit the check
  • Votes


    AR customer billing frequency

    Under the customer profile to have the option to put your own billing date or other frequency aside from the 3 choices currently available (5th day, 10th day, weekly). ...
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    Estimating Security Role - separate access more

    We would like to enhance the separation of security access more by restricting access to certain users to update database PRICING ONLY, but not be able to add/delete ...
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    reprint a retainage invoice

    I am on the phone now with a tech, and I simply cannot believe my ears. I billed a retainage, and the default, (from which I understand from the tech is not an option ...
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    Customized task list in Sage Desktop accessed from any computer

    It would be great if our custom tasks could appear on whatever workstation we log in on. In other words the tasks should be tied to the log in and not just to a specific ...
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    rejected postings

    putting rejection messages in posting reports I don't think is the best way to let me know something didn't post. so much paper is generated, and sometimes I make the ...
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    changing a paid invoice

    when changing an invoice that has been paid, you wont let me change the first line because the distributed amount has to match the amount paid. Really? no kidding? I ...
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    When using addons, It would be nice to have a "category" choice when ...

    I would like to have the option of L,M,S,E,O to allocate the addon of "Contractor Fee". I want this amount to be spread across L,M,S,E but not O. My "allowances" reside ...
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    Keep Reports Print Selection dialogue box open after clicking Start

    When you select Start in the Print Selection dialogue window, the report prints but the Print Selection window closes so when you have to print another report from the ...