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    AP Distribution Tax Class

    Include the ability to set the Tax Class on AP Distribution Codes and AP Distribution Sets. This feature would avoid having to click the Account/Tax button and change the ...
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    Inactive field in G/L Segment Codes

    Can we have a field to allow setting a G/L Segment Code inactive under G/L Setup > G/L Segment Code for when it's no longer needed?
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    Bank Feeds - allow one to many reconciliation

    Currently we can match a single transaction to in sage 300 to a single transaction downloaded from the bank. It would be helpful if we had a one to many option, going in ...
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    Bank Feeds - add a button for Bank Transfers

    Please add this to work similarly to the Bank Entry button. When we see a bank transfer transaction, it would be helpful to be able to record this directly from the ...
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    Add Optional Field on Sage 300 ERP standard Budget

    Addition of Optional Field of Sage 300 ERP standard Budget. This is very important for customers that do not use GL Account Segment. The Limitation of Sage 300 GL ...
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    GL Subledger batches - Prevent modification and deletion

    Currently there is no way to prevent the edit of Subledger batches in the GL like there is in AP and AR. This is a major risk for companies that need to ensure the ...
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    Option to include pending payments on the AR Aged Trial Balance report

    My client would like to be able to print the AR Aged Trial Balance with an option to include pending payments. Thank you!
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    Add Optional Fields to AR Billing Cycles

    By adding optional fields to billing cycles, additional information such as phone, Email, or deposit bank account info can be added as needed. This could then be ...
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    Exclude Inactive Accounts in GL Create Accounts

    Add an option to the Create Accounts function to exclude inactive accounts within the range set up.
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    Validate multicurrency in general ledger batch posting

    AP setup to handle multicurrency but the AP Control account in the general ledger is not set to multicurrency. The batch in the general ledger posts without giving an ...
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    Add option to AR Aged Trial Balance / Overdue Receivables (summary) to ...

    Add a filter to the summary report to only show customers having an amount overdue by xxx days or more. This allows the AR team to quickly isolate the most overdue ...
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    On AP Payment Entry, add Invoice Status as one of the filter

    Hi all, my customer need to filter the invoices that appears on the AP Payment Entry to not include the Invoice that is on hold. But there is no filter for that. Possible ...
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    rounding for invoice payment

    Can we have OE rounding adjustment (round up or round down), Example: OE Invoice Total = 126.62 rounding adjusment -0.02, the net invoice amount is 126.60 OE Invoice ...
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    1099 Withholdings

    The 1099 withholding process is still a very manual process. If you reduce an ap invoice by the amount withheld, there is only one 1099 field that is recorded – the ...
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    Add Customer name on AR Invoice Entry finder

    Hi all, 1. on AR Invoice entry finder, customer name is not in the list of column. Please add the customer name as one of the column along side the customer number so ...
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    Have itemized bank reconciliation report instead of batched bank ...

    The bank reconciliation report to show as itemized bank reconciliation report by showing individual transactions in a particular batch
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    Add Balance Sheet and Income Statement unto GL reports web screens

    Have GL Balance Sheet & Income Statement added unto GL reports web screens
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    Flag for deleting Vendor Groups with outstanding transactions

    When a Vendor group is deleted whereby there are outstanding invoices, the payment batch produces an error stating that the Vendor Group does not exist. And if Statistics ...
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    Sales tax calculated at the shipment level should transfer to the ...

    Sage invoicing needs to have an option to use shipment level tax calculations. Currently if one is creating an invoice from multiple shipments Sage only "sees" the first ...
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    Urgent attention is needed on Account Receivable tax calculation after ...

    When using AR - Invoice in Sage 300, and the transaction involves discount , the tax calculate on the document total instead of the Net discount amount ( Document total ...