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    New design idea for the Sage Construction Management app

    I work in civil construction, and notice that allot of the less tech literate people struggle to learn the app, and all they really want to do is submit a time card. So ...
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    Access All Finder Fields security right is ignored

    In Sage 2023 product update 5, a user has no security group entry in user authorizations for Administrative Services, yet this user can still access and change the ...
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    Print preview window is a royal pain

    The print preview window consumes the ENTIRE monitor every time it opens. It allows me to resize and reposition it, which is good, because often I want to open it and ...
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    Need a way to change the system posting date without logging off.

    Logging on and off Sage 300 is a huge bother becasue of all the windows that have to be opened and repositioned every day so I can do my work! If the system would ...
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    Sage Windows need to remember the last size & position on desktop

    It is a huge time suck to have to reposition and resize the multiple windows that I need to open and keep open to use throughout the day.
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    Bank Vendor filed in the Vendor

    In the vendor Master, we have Address, email, etc, but not bank Information, can you add field to put bank Information, like Bank .......... Swift Code ............ Bank ...
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    DBDump should record the collation sequence and DBLoad should warn if ...

    Whenever I receive a DB dump from I client/partner I almost always we need to get back to them to confirm the collation sequence before loading the data. TaiRox's Fast ...
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    When creating a new company database in Database Setup default the ...

    Most of the time the system database and its associated company databases are on the same server and use the same login credentials.
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    Add user security per Customer, Vendor, IC Location

    Add user security per Customer, Vendor, IC Location
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    Windows 11 Professional on supported platform for Sage 300

    To support Sage 300 running on Windows 11 platform
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    improve licensing and data activation steps when upgrading

    Seems like each time we upgrade to next release the license file and data activation has to be manually updated. seems like the user experience on this is manual and ...
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    improve security by no longer supporting TLS 1.0 & TLS1.1 for SQL ...

    recent upgrade from 2019 to 2022 (V6.9) still requires TLS1.0 to be enabled to connect to SQL Server. We had disabled this protocol due to security issues, but it appears ...
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    Restrict or warn users who are changing the date and posting into the ...

    Is there anyway to restrict users from posting documents/transactions in the future or past? I believe you can lock the next period (set in company profile and Fiscal ...
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    multiple contacts: email variables

    Email variables include the Customer and Vendor "Contact" name, but that's just the fixed contact from before Multiple Contacts was released, so it is redundant, ...
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    Make user settings editable

    User settings are currently stored in .ISM files. Please change them to be in editable, eg as SQL tables or .XML files.
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    Global Search display Update Progress and most recent

    On the windows desktop search Global Search screen, display the date and time of the most recent Update and add an Update progress bar. At the moment, the Update butoon ...
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    Sage 300 SMTP emailing needs to support TLS

    Sage 300 SMTP emailing needs to support TLS in line with latest security protocols and requirements, especially where O365 Exchange online and other online emailing ...
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    Provide security on License Manager

    At the moment (July 2020), any Windows user who starts Sage 300 can access the Licence Manager, without even a Sage 300 username. Once there, they can disable the system ...
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    Bank Services - Transfers to have a Save option before Posting ...

    Transfers to have a Save option before Posting Transfer
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    Sage 300 Web Screen Authentication Method

    The Sage300 webscreens need windows auth, LDAP, SAML2, etc as well. Currently (2020) webscreens only support username + password. This is a Security Audit Issue and ...