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    AR Option for AR Customer Price List code to default to Ship To ...

    I have a customer that is using the web store and they would like to turn on the feature to have their customers enter their own ship to locations but they cannot due to ...
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    PJC - Entered By Field is missing

    The entered by fields are missing from PJC screens.
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    Unit cost & Extended cost fields on Internal Usage > Item Details ...

    Hi all, the Unit cost & Extended cost fields are shown on the main Internal Usage screen, but not on the popup Item Detail screen. It would be convenient to add these ...
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    Add Optional Fields to IC Categories and Account Sets

    This would allow users to add additional pieces of company specific information which could be used to make reporting more useful.
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    IC Quick Reverse Transfers

    The ability to do a quick reverse of posted transfer transactions that brings stock back to the original location with one click. Ie return; stocks to original location, ...
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    être capable d'ajouter une ligne dans la saisi sans avoir à cliquer ...

    être capable d'ajouter une ligne dans la saisi sans avoir à cliquer sur compte/taxes lorsqu'on modifie une information sur une ligne
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    Ability to Automatically Generate Serislized ITEM NUMBERS under I/C

    As an [Advanced I/C user], we need the [system to be able to automatically generate item Numbers derived from items structure] because [that will help to speed up input ...
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    Partial PO Invoice for Lotted PO Receipt.

    We need the option to do partial PO Invoice for the PO Receipts with lotted items. By default the Fully Invoiced flag set to YES and we cannot change it to NO. For normal ...
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    Add save button on Requisition, PO, Receipt, Invoice screen in sage ...

    Add save button on Requisition, PO, Receipt, Invoice screen in sage 300c web screen
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    Lot Stock Date should get PO Receipt Date instead of whichever earlier ...

    We have a scenario where PO Invoice Date is earlier than the PO Receipt Date due to Vendor will issue Invoice when the import shipment is ready to ship. For example, On ...
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    PJC - Restrict user to delete a Project , if any transactions linked ...

    System allows to delete an open Project from PJC even if there is PO linked to it. And only get error message at the time of I/C day end processing. Suppose PJC restrict ...
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    Copy the the actual values of the entered OE SO Header Optional fields ...

    Copy Order screen is not copying the actual values of OE SO Header Optional fields from the respective Sales Order instead of it is copying the default values saved in OE ...
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    manage your own sorting order of item numbers in order entry and ...

    When automatically creating purchase orders from order entry, the sorting order of the item numbers in the details section on both, the order entry screen and the ...
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    sorting order of details section (item numbers) when creating purchase ...

    When a Purchase Order is automatically created from a Sales Order by selecting “Create PO” on the bottom of the O/E Order Entry Screen, the item numbers (details section) ...
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    Display credit information on OE Credit Check Screen when AR ...

    There are two methods of checking used to issue a credit warning on a customer's order. One is for an outstanding balance that exceeds a designated amount. The other is ...
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    IC Setup needs option to set Stock Item default setting

    The default setting for 'Stock Item' when adding a new IC Item is YES (checked). For those companies that do NOT stock items, users need to make sure they turn this ...
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    2 users opening the same OE Order

    When 2 people are in the same OE Order, the first person to save wins, the other person loses their changes. When a second person opens the same Order there is no warning ...
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    PJC Contract Maintenance Screen - Enhance loading performance

    PJC Contract Maintenance take times to load projects when a contract consists of 300 projects and each project has 100 employees. It takes more than 30 minutes to display ...
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    Allow negative amount on PO Receipt and Invoice expensed additional ...

    Allow negative amount on PO Receipt and Invoice expensed additional costs for purchase variances. An example - to allow for purchase variances between PO Receipt where ...
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    is it possible to allow the Administrator to hide or restricting ...

    Restricting controls like editing or changing the values for certain users