• Votes


    Stop posting AR Receipts, if it's over applied

    Need to an option in A/R Setup. If overapplied want to show Warning or Error. Right now, Sage showing warning message and accepts the postings making issue with ...
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    Stop breaking web sdk

    Every time a new version of sage is released our web screens projects break. We need to run a wizard to fix them. I don't WANT to run the wizard. I shouldn't NEED to ...
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    Make Administrative services available as endpoint for WebAPI

    User management is not available in WebAPI, could we have this included in roadmap
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    WebAPI Post POReceipts For Purchase Order

    While we can create a Receipt document using the WebAPI, there is no way to have the receipts associated with an existing (or even a new) purchase order number. Why ...
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    Reserving a Sage 300 LanPak for API users

    When we develop a service or program using ComAPI or .NET ACCPAC.Advantage to run without in Sage 300 desktop, it would be failed to login Sage 300 if the LanPak license ...
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    Allow BeforeCtlClick override in ALL UI controls

    When customising UI controls, sometimes you replace it with a new one. When you do that you need to be able to prevent the old one from opening once you have closed your ...
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    IC Item Pricing endpoint for Sage 300 Web API

    We would request for enhancement in the Sage 300 web API to introduce IC Item pricing API endpoint supporting GET and POST. Also to create a new endpoint would also be ...
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    Allow specification of attached report PDF filename when dispatch by ...

    When dispatching invoices etc by email, allow the developer the ability to state the PDF filename during parameter setup so rather than getting attachments like ...
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    300C Web Customization - Javascript library documentation

    Can some documentation on the javascript libraries be created (e.g. global.js. finder.js). We're able to figure out how to use sg.utls.showKendoConfirmationDialog and ...
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    errPut should output to rvspy

    It would be really helpful if errPut calls were written to rvspy.
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    WebAPI call for Manufacturer and Vendor item numbers

    Some customers do not care about the internal item number but work with manufacturer item numbers and/or vendor item numbers.
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    Pass Sage 300 session to an external executable

    Pacific Technology produce a number of modules that provide workflow automation on top of existing Sage 300 processes such as purchasing and payables. We’ve had a feature ...
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    WebAPI code generation wizard

    Make the internally used web API code generation tool available to DPP partners so they can easily create web API endpoints to interact with Sage 300 composed views. This ...
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    Web screen customization-programmatically import package and assign to ...

    Would like to have ability to programmatically import customization and assign to companies. Scenario: a customized web screen is part of an add-on module, so the ...
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    PMTRAN table - add manufacturer item and vendor item fields

    Please add these 2 fields in the PMTRAN table. Some customers do not care about the internal item number but work with manufacturer item numbers and/or vendor item ...
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    Make Sales Analysis functions available via view calls. So that we ...

    Make Sales Analysis functions available via view calls. So that we can run these functions from Orchid Process Scheduler and, not to mention, macros.