• Votes


    Enable Max Items for Physical Count

    If we could specify a maximum count of items on a Physical Count we could much easier maintain our requirements for regular physical counts and make sure that we cover ...
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    Auto calculate required date when creating work orders

    The work order required date should be auto calculated based on lead time/window days on the router. It currently uses today's date.
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    The ability to allow Negative Inventory should be controlled at the ...

    There should still be a setting on the Set Up IM Options screen to determine whether a company will allow negative inventory in any warehouse, but there should also be a ...
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    MRP should consider expiration date when planning orders for ...

    If on-hand quantity for an item has an expiration date, MRP should anticipate this and plan orders to be received in time to replace the expiring stock.
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    Allow work orders to be linked for reporting

    Create the ability to link work orders together and allow for reporting total actual material and labor transactions for all linked work orders. For example, companies ...
  • Votes


    Enable enforcement of processing sequence in work order steps

    The ability to enforce a sequential process is critical to some clients. An option should be allowed at the work order header and at the operation level to enforce ...