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    Multi-Currency Memo Application Different Exchange Rates (AR/AP)

    AP and AR Credit/Debit Memos must have the exact same currency exchange rate in order for the memo to be applicable to an open transaction. Memos with different exchange ...
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    Purchase order return cost different then receipt

    Using standard cost method When a purchase return is completed, it returns is at standard cost and not the PO cost. Thus causing the return dollars to not match the ...
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    Allow the ability to make reference codes mandatory or optional for ...

    Need to be able to make the reference code field mandatory is the account mask is hit during trx entry. There is no warning at all letting the user know that they should ...
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    Make rename feature consistent across all setup codes

    Why are there some setup items you cannot rename the code (A to B Button)? For examle, the shipping methods and inventory bins.
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    Add Customizer in the Cost Breakdown screen for Project Accounting

    Project Accounting, Activities, Enter Projects. Select a Project, click Status Info, Cost Breakdown. If you want to modify the screen to change the labels or the ...
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    Customizer - Add a Form_QueryUnload scripting event

    As a developer, it would be nice to have a Customizer Form_QueryUnload or similar event to clean up changes made in the Form_Activate event (e.g. de-referencing ...
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    update email from mas to support MIME so attachments can be view ...

    In some web based e-mail (such as gmail and netopia's webmail) the UU Encoding used by MAS to send e-mails with attachements is not supported. Using the more widely ...
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    Add ability to inquiry engine to also use clsOptions

    It would be nice to be able to use the inquiry engine with clsOptions in a similar manner that the selection engine can be associated to it through the clsSettings ...
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    Organize & Consolodate lookups to speed access to data.

    MAS200 users have an advantage over 500 users due to the way history screens are populated. These are like "preview windows" which load very quickly but you can "drill ...
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    Restrict Display Only users from deleting other user Report Settings

    Display Only users can delete other user Report Settings in Sage MAS 500. Sign into MAS 500 as IMClerk1: Expand Inventory Management, Insights, Report, Stock Status. ...
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    Esales Force - modify to support Safari, Chrome, Firefox browsers

    Esales force requires Internet Exporer to function properly - does not function with Safari (Mac, IPad) or alternative Windows browsers (Firefox, Chrome). Limits ...
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    Make the MAS 500 Desktop accessible for people with disabilities

    a. The Menu Navigation Pane cannot be accessed with the keyboard to change sections (e.g. Home, System Manager, etc.). b. When you navigate to the Desktop ...
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    Make the Multi-Line Entry / Edit Screens accessible for people with ...

    The following accessibility issues exist with the Multi-Line Entry / Edit Screens (e.g. Sales Order, Purchase Order): a. Tabs cannot be easily navigated with the ...
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    Make the Business Insights Explorers / Analyzers accessible for people ...

    The following accessibility issues exist with the Business Insights Explorers / Analyzers: a. No item is focused when the window loads. b. Cannot navigate ...
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    Make the Lookup Windows accessible for people with disabilities

    The fields in the Filter section are not read by a screen reader.
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    Make the toolbars accessible for people with disabilities

    The following accessibility issues exist with the toolbars: a. Cannot navigate to toolbars with the keyboard. b. Toolbar is not displayed as a list in the ...
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    Make the Entry / Edit Screens Accessible for people with disabilities

    Labels are not read by a screen reader when an edit or selection field is selected. The fix for this is to ensure that the label immediately precedes the entry field in ...
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    Add ability to ship a transfer order without the Sales Order Module.

    Transfer orders should be a warehouse feature and not require the SO module. With the PO and WM modules you can create the transfer order, approve it and also receive ...
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    Add teh Ability to Change when PDF Invoices are generated and sent

    In our case our customers are recieving duplicate invoices: one invoice at the SO Commit stage and another in the invoice batch becasue the Invoice is changed (In our ...
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    System Status Not Requiring a License

    As an administrator, it would be nice for the "system status" task to not reserve a MAS 500 license, and thus not take up a license spot. This would be beneficial by ...