• Votes


    When entering receipt of goods, we would like to be able to TAB from ...

    Currently have to click from one box to the other and it is quite annoying to switch from typing to mouse. Please let us use TAB to switch boxes.
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    Sage MAS 500 should become Open Source

    Since it appears Sage lacks the motivation to significantly improve and enhance Sage MAS 500 but have extended its life to as far out as 2020, I would suggest that Sage ...
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    Create ability to assign payments in Sales Order to a "Shipment"

    Use the logic that splits up shipments. Ship from, ship to, ship via to create a list of "shipments" in SO and allow payments to be assigned to them. When shipping from ...
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    Create Utility to update a UOM conversion on an Item.

    Often times an item is set up with an incorrect UOM conversion. It can't be changed once a transaction has been posted. Often times this is due to a vendors UOM being ...
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    Add the ability to inactivate a user.

    We need a way to deactivate a user without deleting them or removing all their permissions. We need to keep them existing for an audit trail.
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    Fix the glitch that prevents PO lines from closing correctly when 100% ...

    While performing an open PO lines analysis, we filtered the Purchase Order Lines Explorer view to display all lines with a status of Open. While reviewing the data set ...
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    password protect purchase orders by buyer

    any buyer would want their name protected so other users can't create a purchase order. no known password protection on use for this
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    Too many different Sage pages

    Why isn't this website attached to MySage page. We have too many different Sage pages with separate logins that it is easy to miss different ideas and issues.
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    Make product update release notes available for download.

    In years past the Sage 500 product update download site included links to release notes in PDF file format for each update. With the recent (2014) change in the Sage 500 ...
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    Purge IM Data - What issues are most important to you?

    If the Purge IM Data application were to be reworked and/or enhanced, what features or issues would be most important to you? Commenting sooner rather than later would ...
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    Update/Make changes to Other Addresses in Vendor Maintenance

    The Address Name field is enabled only for new addresses. This name cannot be changed after it is saved. It would be helpful to be able to change this information after ...
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    in cash receipts keep checks in order entered

    Scenario: You have a large deposit. Let's say over 100 checks. The web site from which you access the deposit does not put the checks in numerical order and there is ...
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    Add More Variables Available for Subject and Body - Document ...

    Currently there are a limited number of variables to use with the Document Tranmittal - On Invoices for example would like to see Customer Number - Reason Code and ...
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    Customer PO Number (tarInvoice.CustPONo) Field TOO SHORT - Please ...

    Customer PO Number currently (in Sage 500 ERP) is only 15 characters maximum. This needs to be increased. Why limit it to only 15 characters, anyway? Customers often ...
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    Field Length of TranNo Field in tapVoucher WAY TOO SHORT - PLEASE ...

    The tranNo (and the subsequent tranID) fields in tapVoucher are 15 and 18 characters which are much too short. Our company uses the TranNo field to hold the Vendor ...
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    Enhancements to SDK Data Dictionary Utility

    Ran into a primary key error when using the Data Dictionary Utility recently. The reasons were obvious but a little backgorund first. We sell 3rd party add-ons for Sage ...
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    Add SMS (Text Messaging) to Sage 500 Data Alerts

    A nice enhancement to the Sage 500 Data Alert process would be to add SMS (text messaging) capability as an additional option besides email to send alerts to recepients.
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    Ability to consolidate multiple Transfer Orders

    When we use the MRP feature in Work Order Maintenance, Sage 500 generates one Transfer Order per Work Order. If the Warehouse location for all of these Work Orders is the ...
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    Replace "Ctrl+Shift+R" with "F6"

    Version 7.5 replaced the "F6" refresh shortcut with "Ctrl+Shift+R" in the BI Explorer screens in order to be consistent with other areas of the system. I'm requesting ...
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    Process Replenishment orders - Allow to select multiple warehouses

    Process Replenishment orders can only be run for one warehouse at a time. We would like to see this have a selection and presets to select which warehouses to run for.