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    expand the number of security groups to be created

    Please expand the numeric limit of security groups to more than 2 digits. We like to assign groups based on menu and sub-menu levels they are assigned and need to ...
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    When an Idea is Implemented - please notify where we can find it!

    Currently when an idea is submitted and finally implemented ... there is no way to know where to find the new capability. Please add this information to the Suggestion ...
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    Improve Speed & Become a 64-bit App

    Sage 100 Contractor launches incredibly slowly even on top of the line new hardware (Intel i9,64GB RAM). It's time to invest in improving the launch performance as well ...
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    Better Integrate Work Orders into the Rest of the Software

    Many companies have a “functional” organizational structure, meaning that one person enters payables, one person creates purchase orders, one person creates receivables, ...
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    Contingency Change Orders Not Affecting The Prime Contract Total

    We continue to see Contingency placed inside the contract. It would be very helpful to have a way to submit Change Orders to the owner that is charged against contingency ...
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    Tax District Page

    It would be great if there was a note or field we could fill in...Sales Tax Updated: (date)
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    Consistent date sorting

    In the 4-4 Vendor, if you click on either Paid Invoices or Invoice Payments at the bottom, they sort date from oldest to newest. If you select All Payments it sorts for ...
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    Please add a feature when reconciling Bank Statements that you can ...

    When opening a bank statement there are already items checked off. It would be more efficient to be able to uncheck with a select all button or something similar. Would ...
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    Transaction modification date

    I need to run a report that shows what items have been changed, modified, cleared, voided etc during a certain time frame. Currently reports can only be run for ...
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    Add a driver's license expiration date field

    As a protection to the company, and to make sure that all of our drivers are driving with a current license, it would help to have a driver's license expiration date ...
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    direct deposit file option

    The ability to choose what type of file to download for the direct deposit file manager. Only having one option is outdated. thank you.
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    Make Backups an option in the Payroll Archive Function

    Currently, when a Payroll Archive is run, a backup of the company is created, then the payroll archive function runs, then another backup of the company is created, and ...
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    search employee by first name OR Last name

    Everyone should have to option to search based on whichever column they have the lookup window sorted by. Some have hundreds of Smith (s) but only 5 Eduardo. So there are ...
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    Print to PDF options when printing cheques

    I would like an option to print to PDF especially when it comes to writing cheques as often I pay by EFT online through my bank and when I record it in Sage 100 I have to ...
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    Many clients purchase material from other countries and have foreign dollar accounts for those purchases. They need to be able to reconcile these accounts in the foreign ...
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    Job Cost report has ability to pull actual ledger account information

    Right now the job cost binocular reports only pulls the ledger account that is defaulted to the vendor. Sometimes you have to enter a payable that does not match what is ...
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    Provide Feedback for Improvement Ideas

    If an idea doesn't get implemented, what happens to it? Does it just stay in the queue indefinitely? It would be nice to see that the idea has been reviewed, and if it is ...
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    Stop Forcing Company Backups During Upgrades

    Do not force a backup before the database update. Most all of us do an On-Demand backup before upgrading anything. Simply pop up a message box reminding us to do an ...
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    There are at least 3 requests in this string for a pay statement ...

    There are at least 3 requests in this list for a pay statement report to be printed as the paystub, please combine these!
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    Search engine for parts should search entire fields for a word instead ...

    Search engine for parts should search entire fields for a word instead of just the first word in the field. This should apply to the search for customers, jobs, work ...