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    Additional Minority Types in Vendor Screen

    Please add the following in the drop down menu for Minority Type: Small Business Enterprises (SBEs) Small Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (SDBEs) Disability Owned ...
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    Ability to change/remove columns on AP Cheque stubs, like removing the ...

    I don't always want the vendors to see what I have entered in the description column on their cheque stubs..
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    Lien Waivers - add check paid

    Allow adding the Check Number paying with so that the Lien Waiver reflects the date/check # paid. I have to write this info on every lien waiver created
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    Modifying EFT Message

    Looking to Modify the EFT generic message sent when uploading EFT payments. Should have the opportunity to change the wording.
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    Need to show the vendor's actual corporation name and the DBA (doing ...

    Need 1099s to show the vendor's actual corporation name and the DBA (doing business as) name without having to change the vendor name in 4-4 Vendors at tax time.
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    AP Invoice Status

    The AP invoice status should have the following sequence: 1 - Open: The invoice has been entered by the AP processor, and the invoice can still be edited. 2 - Review: ...
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    Vendor files - update warnings/tax rates/discounts for multiple

    Have the ability to update multiple vendors in a grid rather then individually for Warnings, tax districts, discounts. Sage update effected 1000's of vendor files ...
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    print preview not posting to GL

    When you use print preview and print from the preview window it doesn't give you the option to post to GL. This shouldn't have any affect on being able to post to the GL
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    4-2 Option to auto fill vendor number and job number when entering ...

    4-2 Option to auto fill from the last invoice entered the vendor numbers and/or job numbers when entering multipliable invoices for the same vendors and/or jobs.
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    Add Option to Set Duplicate Invoice Warning as Warning or Hard Stop

    I’d like to suggest an enhancement for the Invoice Defaults tab in the Vendor Profile (4-4): adding an option to configure the duplicate invoice warning in 4-2 as either ...
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    Post multiple "Online Banking" payments at once.

    When posting "Online Banking" payments, we need to be able to check all applicable invoices and have them post as individual payment with one click of the button. Chances ...
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    Save invoice in 4-2 as a recurring entry

    When entering a AP invoice there should be an option to save the invoice as a recurring entry. Users can save a step in creating a new recurring invoice. When the user ...
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    Vendor Discount - Subtotal vs. Total

    Please add the ability to choose a discount rate to calculate based on the subtotal or total. Most vendors do not allow the discount rate after tax, which is how it ...
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    When you enter an item into an invoice it should pull up the price, ...

    Vote for me
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    When entering payable invoices, have the part default price appear in ...

    When creating a part, we enter in the default price and the billing price. While entering payable invoices, when using a part number, the part default cost should ...
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    3-5 Jobs A/P Invoices Window - Add Vendor and make it sortable

    The added feature to be able to view A/P Invoices from the 3-5 Jobs window and a very useful tool. However it would be really nice if it not only showed the vendor but ...
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    Important Notes Show in AP from Purchase Order/Vendor

    We like the notes Delivered in version# 24.1.One comment from staff is that it would be nice if when you select a vendor or purchase order that has an "important note" ...
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    Entering a/p POs

    When entering an AP and the PO, it should advise you that this PO has been processed. Just a warning, because you might have a Back order with the same PO.
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    When I need to email a vendor, and need to email several of the ...

    It would be nice to select several of the contacts and have that go to one email, instead of separate emails
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    Add an additional editable Invoice # field to menu 4-6

    in menu 4-6, the system generates an inv# that starts with RP. we need a field for the actual invoice # to be entered