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    4-7-7 ability to save without posting

    There is a need to save without posting in 4-7-7 If you import 500 credit card transactions, under the current setup, you have to complete all the additional coding ...
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    Auto fill "To Pay" field on 4-7-6 Pay Credit Cards window

    Auto fill "To Pay" field on 4-7-6 Pay Credit Cards window with the Last Reconciled Balance amount.
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    Payable screen 4-2 should be more like Subcontractor screen 7-1.

    Entering data into 7-1 is so much faster because the cost code is on one screen. There should be a way to copy over the descriptions and costs to the job cost screen in ...
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    Print Waivers for jobs on Job Costing Screen

    It would be great if we could have an option to print waivers using the jobs on the Job Costing Screen not just from the Job on the 4-2 screen. I have some trades that ...
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    We need a way to track PO changes

    We need a way to track PO changes. You can track subcontract changes by entering change orders into 6-4-1, this way when you pull up the subcontract those changes entered ...
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    Sage 100 Contractor Canadian Edition: Need original Holdback amount ...

    Need the original Holdback amount to display, on Accounts Payable Aging and Period Aging reports; even after Holdback has been released. For example, if I have an AP ...
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    saved transaction posting period icon

    When recalling a saved transaction, the Posting Period Icon shows the current posting period found in the 1-8 window rather than the posting period in which the saved ...
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    Invoice Defaults should include Subaccount

    On the Invoice Defaults tab in 4-4 Vendors we can preset the Leger Account and several other codes (Cost code, Cost type, etc.). It would be extremely helpful if we were ...
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    Entering Freight Charges Before Saving

    It would be very helpful and less inconvenient to be able to enter freight charges on the invoice before saving. Right now you have to save the invoice and then go back ...
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    vendor alert - just like the client alert

    Please add a vendor alert in 4-4 like there is in 3-6. There is no way of seeing important information about a vendor while entering a payable without opening up the ...
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    Create A Purchase Requisition Module

    Create a purchase requisition module that interfaces with purchase orders (6-6-1) and inventory allocations (12-2). The requisition module would allow users to input a ...
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    I would like to pull up a vendor report showing all insurance ...

    i was put in charge of making sure all vendors have insurance. i need a report showing all info that is entered for the vendor including of they do or don't have ...
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    Have an option to print EFT receipts alphabetically by Vendor

    When paying vendors by EFT, there is no option to print the EFT Payment Receipt alphabetically. This would save time matching the receipts to the invoices that were paid ...
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    Add main phone number on Vendor Profile

    Add a field for the main phone number for a vendor. For example, when you are on a PO or print a PO, we would like to put a phone number of the vendor on our form. ...
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    Subcontract warning

    This was reported "Delivered in version# 22.1" as reported by Steven at Sage, however it has still not been implimented. I called Sage two months ago and they searched to ...
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    Set default retention for a vendor at 4-4 vendor level

    I'd like the ability to assign a default retention percentage at the vendor level, so whenever an invoice is entered against a specific vendor, retention is automatically ...
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    Sensitive Vendors - Not Viewable

    I have a few vendors 401k, healthcare, 401k matching etc. that only administrators should have access to. There should be a toggle/classification for 'sensitive' vendors ...
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    Add "Phases" to grid in 4-3-1 Invoices to Pay

    If you can enter a phase into a vendor invoice (4-2), you need to be able to view them in the grid when you go to pay invoices (4-3-1). For certain jobs, we'll pay ...
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    Multiple invoices for one vendor

    It would be incredibly helpful if there was a way to enter multiple invoices for one vendor at once. My company does a lot of business with supply houses, and it would be ...
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    Prevent ACH Vendors From Being Paid by Check

    We have started to pay vendors via ACH which is awesome, thanks!! We're finding that it's difficult to retrain our AP users to click the Pay By drop-down for ACH and then ...