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    certificates of insurance

    It would be great at implementation to be able to import COI from an excel spreadsheet
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    1099-Misc options

    As a contractor I have many vendors who require 1099s but provide products, not service. They need a 1099-Misc, but to get the data to the correct form my only option ...
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    Set to pay for payment on company credit card

    I would like a set to pay for approval when making a payment on our company credit card.
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    1-8 GST Included Tax Code

    When creating tax codes in the system there is currently no way to create a tax code that would include GST. When reconciling bank transactions often you are doing ...
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    Require Work Order # for Certain Jobs

    Have an option in 3-5 that will require Work Order # for certain jobs when entering invoices in in 4-2. Or an option that would remind you to enter in the Work Order #. ...
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    voided work order warning in AP invoice job cost screen

    It would be helpful to receive a warning that the work order you are job costing to on the AP invoice was voided similar to the warning you receive when entering time in ...
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    Manual input of "through" dates on lien waivers

    It would be nice to have the ability to input your own "through date" on lien waivers when running A/P checks. Our subs have various invoice dates but are always billing ...
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    Make the the Preferred Payment Method for Accounts Payable Vendors ...

    Would like to either change the individual line items or add new lines to this selection box but cannot because it is a System field that only Sage programmers can edit.
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    4-2 Main Grid adds

    Add Cost Code and Cost Type to the main window/grid because this pop up box is an extra step I really don't need. It leaves it open to errors as people can accidently ...
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    AP Check detail report by vendor

    For AP reports have one that you can print by vendor and check number that lists the invoices and amount s paid on that check. Right now you can only print a paid vendor ...
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    Being able to pick either MISC or NEC for non-employee payments in ...

    I need to be able to pick if a non-employee compensation vendor prints on a 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC. We had to pay a non-taxed settlement to an ex-employee that per the ...
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    Allow check number auto-fill to be turned on and off (user preference)

    We use multiple checking accounts and run the risk of having the wrong check number auto-assigned to the payment. Sage should have a feature which allows the auto-check ...
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    4-3-2-21 Check Transmittal Report sort by Invoice Number please

    4-3-2-21 Accounts Payable, Pay Vendors, Print Check Transmittals, Check Transmittal Report: It would be very helpful if the check transmittal report could sort the ...
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    More alerts! New vendor created.

    Alert when a new vendor is created.
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    Remove limitation requiring the use of Direct Expense or Work in ...

    For projects / jobs remove the limitation of only using direct expense or work in process accounts on job lines. Projects also include admin/sales/misc. costs that with ...
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    Combine Vendor Invoices By Job

    We have several vendors that provide products or services for multiple jobs. Our payment cycles to them differ as they are dependent on AR from the job's client. ...
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    Offer full ACH Payment Origination for Vendor ACH Payments

    We were very excited to learn about the Vendor ACH payments, but then quickly disappointed to learn that Sage can only generate the file format to be submitted to our ...
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    ACH - Ability to select cash account

    Need the ability select the cash account in which the ACH will be posted like printed checks please!!
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    1099 Interest - Ability to list GL Account so report only shows ...

    When inputting 1099 Interest into the 4-4 Screen, to have the ability to choose an interest GL code/subaccount so that the 1099 report only tabulates interest paid to the ...
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    In 4-2 AP Invoices / credits, move "Job" to the detail level

    First, costing and GAAP are not at all the same, and we all need at least a visual audit trail at this level for GAAP to validate our workarounds outside of Sage. ...