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    The Payable 4-2 Record Drop Down list should have columns for Vendor ...

    On the Payable 4-2 screen when choosing the record # drop down menu, the list should have a column for Vendor (would be nice for vendor # and vendor short name) and a ...
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    Apply custom discounts at time of bill payment

    The discount column in the 4.3.1 screen is pretty much useless. The user needs to have the ability to include a discount at the time of invoice payment -- any custom ...
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    subcontract warning - This site shows that it was completed --- but ...

    I've been requesting this feature for literally years. Now the suggestion shows as it being completed (as of a month or so ago). I called because I could not find it. The ...
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    API not is not Exporting Secondary Payee information to Sage 100.

    Invoices with Secondary Payee info in Sage Paperless, exported into Sage 100 using the API. The API is not allowing Secondary Payee information to come over as it did ...
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    Child support withholding for Vendors

    In WA state, we have to do child support withholding for sole proprietors. There is no way to set this up in SAGE currently. Because the vendor is paid sporadically, we ...
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    AR report 3-1-3-26 is sorted by job, would like the AP 4-1-3-26 sorted ...

    Currently the 4-1-3-26 report sort has job/vendor, would like the report to have the same option as the AR report 3-1-3-26 of JOB ONLY
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    Add and Alpha Display look up in the 4-4 Vendors

    I do not always know my vendor number - an added alpha display look-up would make it easier to find.
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    'USE PO SALES TAX' for Canadian version

    The Canadian version of Sage 100 contractor doesn't have an option to select USE PO SALES TAX in 4-2 under Options->. The knowledge base article ...
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    Canadian Workers Compensation calculation on subcontractors - WCB

    I would like to see the ability to set up a subcontractor in A/P and mark them as subject to WCB at a specified rate. Not all of our subcontractors are registered for ...
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    4-1-1-61 Report - Able to select by Dollar Amount

    I would like to be able to see this report have a selection criteria for a dollar amount. The current report prints ALL vendors listed with a 1099 Type between 1 & 4, ...
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    Have a capability ot change temporarily vendor name when cutting the ...

    When cutting check we need a capability to enter different (DBA as ...) payable to "name" and address just for one time check cut if required. Vendor name is stays the ...
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    Printable Chicago Title Waiver Form

    I would like to be able to print and reprint a Chicago Title Waiver Form with my payable check. This form is required by all banks and title companies in our area.
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    Set up a vendor witholding a % for taxes?

    In some states withholding from nonresident for personal services performed. There should be a way to set this up when setting up a vendor. When setting up the vendor, ...
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    4-1-1-61 1099 Vendor Type Field 'In List' does not work

    I'm trying to sort this report. In the 1099 type field I select 'In List' and I'm unable to open the list with F5. This feature should be fixed or is there a work ...
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    If coding to subcontract expense...require attaching to a subcontract ...

    For subcontract control. Helps eliminate subcontractors hired without a subcontract agreement.
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    Problem saving change made to a posted vendor invoice

    Problem saving change made to a posted invoice: I needed to change only the decription on an invoice, both on the desc line and the grid, and also the job cost. Used to ...
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    Today we are having large problems with 19.3 on the accounts payable ...

    Accounts Payable check due before the General Ledger month Account Payable general ledger month is posted to August but must be paid like a COD that will be invoiced ...
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    Allow me to assign a default expense account in job setup like we can ...

    In 3-5, there is a way to designate what Income account the receivable should go to. There should also be a way to to designate what EXPENSE account the Payable should ...
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    Vendor Invoicing report broken down by how much they invoiced each ...

    I'm not sure why this isn't an option already, but we should be able to run a report showing how much vendors are invoicing us each month.
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    Can we please get a "use tax" function in 1-1 Check and Bank Charges

    We use debit cards and enter those charges in 1-1. It would be nice to not have to do two entries when applying use tax to those transactions.