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    In the 2-8-21 screen, we can choose different companies to run a ...

    We have multiple departments and I would like to be able to run a comparative income statement for selected departments.
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    I would like to see retain earnings for current year like Mas 90 ...

    I would like to see retain earnings for current year on balance sheet like in Mas 90 reports. So that you can match your income statement and balance sheet numbers.
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    6-1-4 This report should have the same selection and sorting criteria ...

    The 6-1-4 Job Summary Report does not provide any selection criteria or sort criteria. It should provide the same selection and sorting criteria as the 6-1-2 report. The ...
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    Creating Financial Statements

    There has to be a way to create financial statements in this software without having a degree in computer coding. The financial statements that are offered in this ...
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    Add "Select All" or "Unselect All" to reconciliation

    It would be very handy when reconciling to be able to have a button for "Select All" or "Unselect All" because with some banking or credit cards we have well over 200 ...
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    Balance Sheet modification to include WIP Assests as part of Current ...

    Would like to be able to include WIP Assets as part of the Current Assets on the Balance Sheet, there for making WIP Assets part of the Current Ratio. Currently our ...