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    Printer button is missing in Page Setup for Crystal Reports XI

    Printer button is missing in Page Setup for Crystal Reports XI on 64 bit clients (Windows 7 & Server 2008 R2) in MAS 90/200 4.40 Please fix this. Tracking Number: ...
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    Explore- Purchase Order View

    Ability to display all or selected purchase orders from history.
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    When printing invoices or POs have a default button so if I change ...

    I want my printer selection to always come back to my hard copy printer each time even though I may export the document at times. By having a default box on the printer ...
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    Allow the option to leave WRK tables populated for report design / ...

    It would be very convenient if the WRK tables could be set to remain populated for report creation and revision. Or, just don't clear the table until the next report is ...
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    Add the ability to keep the window open after printing customer & ...

    Users need to print several labels through out the day and this will spee up productivity.
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    Print Detail of Sales Tax Collected on the Sales Tax Reports

    Right now the sales tax report prints a summarized "sales tax collected" amount for each tax code on the sales tax reports based on the cash receipts performed for the ...
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    The operand is blanked out when attempting to edit saved reports

    Currently when you create a saved report setting (i.e., GL Detail Report) and have the operand set to "contains" with a list if GL account numbers, the list cannot be ...
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    Add the "Find Prior" option to the Crystal Reports" for reverse ...

    We went from v 4.05 to v4.30 - Under 4.05, the reports when the reports were 'previewed', you could do FIND (search) NEXT and FIND (search) PRIOR. Crystal reports as ...
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    Bring back Report Master

    It was a quick and easy way to write simple reports for everyday use or a specific one time function. Especially when you need to pull specific data items into a report. ...
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    Add the Warehouse Code from the Header to the SO_InvoiceWrk file

    Add the Header Warehouse Code to the Sales Order Invoice Work file, so you do not have to add the actual SO_InvoiceHeader file to the form to add the field.
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    Create a Method to Sort Custom Reports on the Menu Alphabetically

    I would like a way to sort the crystal reports added to the Custom reports menus in all modules of MAS90. Right now the report is added to the bottom of the list and ...
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    Cash Receipts Report does not include any cash receipt deposits where ...

    In previous versions, the Monthly Cash Receipts report would include all batchs, even if the batch deposit total = zero. Now, in 4.3, if the deposit total = zero the ...
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    Inventory Re-order report does not take into consideration open ...

    We use material requsitions for POS materials, etc. These items are not managed under MRP (we use a 3rd party MRP for our finished goods) would like to see the ability ...
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    ability to print off vendor list of only those vendors utilized in the ...

    Over the years, quite a vendor list is accumulated...need to know which vendors are current and which can be deleted...would be nice to see a report listing those vendors ...
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    AP Analysis aged by Due Date not Invoice Date.

    AP Analysis currently ages by invoice date therefore showing invoies in the 60 day column when they may not be due for 3 months.