• Votes


    Make Bank Transfers Easier

    Bank Transfers from one bank code to another should be easier to do in Sage 100. Right now, you have to go to Transaction Journal Entry and fill out Offset Account No, ...
  • Votes


    Retain General Journal and Transaction Journal memos and attachments ...

    Retain memos and attachments after updating the General Journal or Transaction Journal update so they are viewable in Journal Drill Down screens.
  • Votes


    Recall Sales Order when voiding an invoice

    The ability to recall the original sales order and "re-open" it so that you can invoice against it again. Currently if you've invoiced against a sales order, it is ...
  • Planned


    Credit Holds should flag you in Cash Receipts

    When entering checks their should be a flag of some kind letting you know this customer is on credit hold. Then if the payment received resolves the past due status you ...
  • Votes


    Better accounting for vendor deposits

    Provide better accounting for vendor so that prepayments show in the vendor's account instead of just being posted to a general ledger account. 1) Be able to write a ...
  • Votes


    Apply a vendor's credit memo directly to a payable when entering.

    I'd like to see the same ability in a/p as we have in a/r. When entering a vendor's credit memo allow us to select an open invoice to apply it to.
  • Votes


    Make the GL Transaction Journal Entry Program More Intuitive and ...

    This program is one of the most non-intuitive, difficult programs to use in all of MAS90. It should not be so painful/confusing to transfer funds from one bank account ...
  • Planned


    Show - Total of Cleared Transactions in Reconcile Bank for the Bank ...

    It would be nice to have the Total of Cleared Transactions in Reconcile Bank for the Bank Rec module. This would make bank reconciliation easier so that you can compare ...
  • Votes


    Credit Holds - Exempt Box

    Please create a check box so that large sales volume customers with little maintenance are not placed on credit hold if they happen to go over the past due limits set in ...
  • Planned


    GL Reversing Entry

    Existing function assigns Next General Journal Entry #. The reversing GJE# should assign the same Entry/Register/Journal number and Posting Date of the original entry.
  • Votes


    Add remittance cover sheet to wire transfer

    It would be helpful if a remittance advice was an option to print with the invoice detail when posting a wire transfer payment in manual check posting. The batch needs a ...
  • Planned


    Provide ability to click on column headers to sort during AP Invoice ...

    Since the selection button was added the ability to sort by column headers in AP Invoice Payment Selection has gone away as well. There is the sort button however this ...
  • Votes


    Average Days to Pay Calculation

    Does anyone know what the Sage100 default calculation is for the Average Days to Pay under Customer Maintenance? Also, is there a way to refine that to look at only the ...
  • Votes


    Add 'Copy From' button for A/P Invoice Data Entry

    Allow the Copy From feature to work in A/P to speed up invoice data entry on an invoice that is received each month. Recurring Invoice Entry doesn't allow the vendor's ...
  • Votes


    Don't print leading zeros on checks for the check number in Accounts ...

    Have the ability to eliminate the leading zeros from printing on the check.
  • Votes


    Look up customer check info

    to have the ability to lookup (or click on) a customer's check number and see what all was paid/deducted on that check.
  • Votes


    Vendor recalculate aging button

    There is a recalculate aging button on the customer maintenance / inquiry invoices tab. There is not a recalculate aging button on the vendor maintenance / inquiry ...
  • Votes


    AP NOF Check Reversal where Open Invoices no longer exist causing out ...

    Client generates large volume of refund AP checks and some of them are never cashed. When trying to clean up the uncashed checks and the invoices are beyond the 'days to ...
  • Votes


    Credit Card transactions need to post to Bank Rec.

    Since the General Ledger Cash Account is basicly the Check Register, all transactions posted to a cash account should flow to the bank rec. This would include credit ...
  • Votes


    Ability to import transaction journal entries

    It would be nice to have the ability to import transaction journal entries, similar to the GL Exchange to import General Journal Entries. It takes me a long time every ...