• Votes


    Create an "eye" so user can click to verify their Password prior to ...

    Many Many sites (e.g. Windows login) provide the ability (via an "eye") to verify the password entered. Very frustrating to lock yourself out and even more frustrating ...
  • Votes


    Modify Data Entry Screens to show all data on a Single Page

    On the data entry screens, there is a Header, Lines, and Totals Tab. The screens should be updated where it shows all the information at the same time without having to ...
  • Votes


    Ability to apply landed cost codes to line item

    I would like to be able to apply landed costs to individual lines items. For example, when receiving in a PO each line may have a different HTS code percentage and or a ...
  • Votes


    add ability to edit, 'on the fly', the email body for paperless ...

    it would be nice to have the ability to edit the stock 'body' of the email just before sending. For the majority of the time, the stock message is fine, but there are ...
  • Votes


    Automatically run rebuild sort files

    Since some of the fields in inventory such as on S/O, on P/O, etc. do periodically get out of sync with reality for whatever reason, it would be nice if there was some ...
  • Votes


    Have Print and Update messages different enough to catch the eye when ...

    There are so many messages re do you want to print, do you want to update… it would be great if they were different enough to catch the eye when reading quickly – like ...
  • Votes


    Bring back PDF versions of user manuals, not just HELP screens, but ...

    Bring back PDF versions of user manuals, not just HELP screens, but actual in-depth manuals (like 3.71) that someone could read and understand how the software operates.
  • Votes


    Program Setting for rights in the system to Create vs Edit

    There should be an option for key fields for allowing creation only or creation and editing. For example our jobs post to the GL per their setup job types. If one job ...
  • Votes


    Do Not Allow Module vs GL Date Differences

    There should be a program setting to enforce module and GL dates to be within the same period. If this is not possible there should be a large alert that pops up ...
  • Planned


    Purchase Order Audit Trail

    Purchase Order Audit Trail The Purchase Order Audit Trail would provide detailed audit tracking for the Purchase Order module. Each field in Purchase Order (Header and ...
  • Votes


    Vendor Maintenance account number field

    Many of our vendors have issued us an account number, but there's no dedicated field in Vendor Maintenance to enter that, or other pertinent information, so it often ends ...
  • Votes


    Change/Merge/Delete utilties save to Paperless Office

    Change/Merge/Delete utilities in each module to save to Paperless Office. These logs get lost. GL, AP, AR, IM, PR.
  • Votes


    Add County Name to Customer Masterfile

    Add County Name to Customer Masterfile so that Sales Reports can be sorted by State, County, City and Zip Code.
  • Votes


    Show the date of receipt of line items received within actual PO

    Show the date of receipt of line items received within actual PO
  • Votes


    Do not allow quantity shipped to exceed quantity on hand

    Add an option so that the quantity being shipped cannot exceed the quantity on hand in shipping data entry or invoice data entry so quantities don't go negative.
  • Planned


    Bring back the "Shift" key functionality to choosing groups of ...

    Why was this ever removed? If you don't like the functionality of the "Shift" key, just don't use the "Shift" key. Problem solved. I have several divisions within the ...
  • Votes


    Inventory Module: We ship inventory from our stock and also as a drop ...

    We often ship standard stock from our inventory (warehoused) but in some situations, we have it dropshipped directly from our independent supplier. If it is drop ...
  • Votes


    Notify suggestors when their suggestion has been implemented!!!

    It's such a time waster to have to search the same suggestions over and over. Please notify the suggestor and those who voted for the suggestion when it is completed.
  • Votes


    form code security

    please add form code security so only allowed users can create or alter forms, this should not be an open thing to all users, this recently caused junk form to be created ...
  • Votes


    allow the ability to change freight and discount GL accounts when ...

    We have two separate freight accounts. If we deliver the order and charge the customer we code that to freight sales. If we hire LTL and charge the customer a portion ...