• Votes


    Create an "eye" so user can click to verify their Password prior to ...

    Many Many sites (e.g. Windows login) provide the ability (via an "eye") to verify the password entered. Very frustrating to lock yourself out and even more frustrating ...
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    receipt of goods and receipt of invoices linked

    When entering receipt of invoice after a receipt of goods has been entered, the invoice should automatically link to the receipt of goods and not to the entire PO. The ...
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    Modify Data Entry Screens to show all data on a Single Page

    On the data entry screens, there is a Header, Lines, and Totals Tab. The screens should be updated where it shows all the information at the same time without having to ...
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    Ability to apply landed cost codes to line item

    I would like to be able to apply landed costs to individual lines items. For example, when receiving in a PO each line may have a different HTS code percentage and or a ...
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    add ability to edit, 'on the fly', the email body for paperless ...

    it would be nice to have the ability to edit the stock 'body' of the email just before sending. For the majority of the time, the stock message is fine, but there are ...
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    More descriptive automated subject lines for emails

    Instead of just the sales order number or just the invoice number appearing, it would be great if the subject line included "for PO ..." to denote which purchase order ...
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    ReOrder Rule Maintinance "Rule" of Time with increments of Case for ...

    Update the Reorder Rules to allow it to plan in time rounded by case. Add a new rule to all the RO policy to look the demand need is a set time from the IRP to determine ...
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    IRP Option Switch Plan inside lead time Yes ro No

    Add a check box option in the IRP Options to allow or disallow planning supply inside procurement or manufacturing lead time, today we are generating actions that cannot ...
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    SO Gross Profit Report does not show Drop Ship Cost accurately

    When you create a Drop Ship PO and then generate the SO from the PO, the GL COGS account will be updated from the PO Receipt of Invoice and not from SO Invoice ...
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    Utility to transfer all item quantities from one warehouse to another.

    When using a different warehouse code for each service truck, it would be helpful to have a transfer of ALL quantities to a different warehouse code. When replacing a ...
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    Automatically run rebuild sort files

    Since some of the fields in inventory such as on S/O, on P/O, etc. do periodically get out of sync with reality for whatever reason, it would be nice if there was some ...
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    Ability to change the color of any field description so it catches the ...

    This would be helpful for required field during data entry so the field is not skipped. This would be a great feature globally for all data entry screens. Ex: We ...
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    Have Print and Update messages different enough to catch the eye when ...

    There are so many messages re do you want to print, do you want to update… it would be great if they were different enough to catch the eye when reading quickly – like ...
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    Make Bank Transfers Easier

    Bank Transfers from one bank code to another should be easier to do in Sage 100. Right now, you have to go to Transaction Journal Entry and fill out Offset Account No, ...
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    Bring back PDF versions of user manuals, not just HELP screens, but ...

    Bring back PDF versions of user manuals, not just HELP screens, but actual in-depth manuals (like 3.71) that someone could read and understand how the software operates.
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    Retain General Journal and Transaction Journal memos and attachments ...

    Retain memos and attachments after updating the General Journal or Transaction Journal update so they are viewable in Journal Drill Down screens.
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    Add Quick Print Button to Job Estimate Maintenance Screen in Job Cost ...

    In the Job Estimate Maintenance Screen for the Job Cost Module, please add the Quick Print Button. This will make it easier to send out a Job Estimate instead of ...
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    Sales Order Total should update Original Contract in Job Maintenance

    When you create a Job in the Job Cost Module from the Sales Order Module, it should update the Original Contract amount in Job Maintenance. For example, you create a ...
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    Reverse SO Invoice posting

    If a sales order posting batch was posted with the wrong date or should not have been posted, have a utility to reverse the posting.
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    Program Setting for rights in the system to Create vs Edit

    There should be an option for key fields for allowing creation only or creation and editing. For example our jobs post to the GL per their setup job types. If one job ...