• Votes


    More descriptive automated subject lines for emails

    Instead of just the sales order number or just the invoice number appearing, it would be great if the subject line included "for PO ..." to denote which purchase order ...
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    SO Gross Profit Report does not show Drop Ship Cost accurately

    When you create a Drop Ship PO and then generate the SO from the PO, the GL COGS account will be updated from the PO Receipt of Invoice and not from SO Invoice ...
  • Votes


    Utility to transfer all item quantities from one warehouse to another.

    When using a different warehouse code for each service truck, it would be helpful to have a transfer of ALL quantities to a different warehouse code. When replacing a ...
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    Ability to change the color of any field description so it catches the ...

    This would be helpful for required field during data entry so the field is not skipped. This would be a great feature globally for all data entry screens. Ex: We ...
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    Reverse SO Invoice posting

    If a sales order posting batch was posted with the wrong date or should not have been posted, have a utility to reverse the posting.
  • Planned


    Sales Order Audit Trail

    Need to be able to track for a sales order and the invoicing of a sales order any adds, changes, deletions of fields in the order/invoice.
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    Utility to fix orphaned costs in inventory

    When using average costs it is not uncommon for the quantity of an item to go to zero and then have left over costs associated with the item. Typically it is pennies (I ...
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    Automatically MAP new SO/PO UDFs to History

    I can't figure out a time when I would NOT want new header/detail UDFs to be mapped into invoice/receipt history. Yet every time I create a new UDF I have to manually ...
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    Ability to post discounts and freight by warehouse

    The GL accounts for posting discounts and freight are defined in division maintenance. We do not use divisions in Accounts Receivable, but do use multiple warehouses and ...
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    Show PO Receiving/Invoice Information in PO Entry

    Add a tab to PO Entry/Inquiry, similar to the "Invoices" or "Transaction" tabs in Vendor Maintenance, to show all receipt of goods, receipt of invoice, and return of ...
  • Planned


    Ability to "Copy" Tracking number from Invoice data entry

    So many times a customer can't wait until the end of the day to receive their tracking number, so we go into Invoice Data Entry, Tracking to get it for them. You can't ...
  • Planned


    Purchase order Request for Quote - RFQ

    Ability to create purchase requistions to vendors that are not formal purchase orders until converted by the user. Similar to quotes in Sales Orders.
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    Add memo capability on Ship To Locations

    Some memo/comment information applies only to a specific ship to location. Adding a pop up memo to a customer with multiple ship to locations, when the memo only applies ...
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    Pick correct cost tier when doing a PO Return of Goods Entry

    During PO Return of Goods, should be able to pick the FIFO tier to return against, especially when recalling a specific PO. If a user receives something in at the wrong ...
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    Ability to specify on a Customer level whether or not backorders are ...

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    Add Shipping Tracking Number to Purchase Order

    In Purchase Order it would be great to have a field for the Tracking Number available for a couple of reasons. 1. To be able to have the tracking number available ...
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    Increase number of characters in the sales order number field.

    We issue our sales order numbers from our route log books beginning with a letter designating the division and then the job number which has reached 100,000 so we do not ...
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    Expand the Price Level field in AR Customer Maintenance

    AR/Customer Maintenance/Additional Tab/Price Level, this field is hard coded to accept only 1 character. Have already used numbers 0-9 and letters A-Z. Increasing the ...
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    Provide a Tracking File for PO Price Variances

    I am often asked how to report on historical purchase price variances, and it is very difficult/impossible to do historically. The PO Variance Register is the only ...
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    Have the ability to delete backorders or balance of orders that have ...

    Currently one has to change qty backorder to zero add a comment line and invoice the order so that it does not show as deleted in history. If order deleted the order is ...