• Votes


    Ability to print time card reports via name (in lieu of just employee ...

    Each person is giving an employee number. Time Card printing is currently set to print using that number. I would like the option to print the report sorted by last ...
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    Ability to close report while it's processing

    Oops, I messed up on a filter and now have to wait for the report to build before I can close it out and run it correctly. Sure would be great if I could just close it ...
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    Print a GL detail report from GL Account Inquiry instead of a chart of ...

    Right now you have to go to Reports, General Ledger Detail Report and then make selections. It would be nice to go right to the print GL detail options when you are ...
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    Modify Customer Sales History By Period to account for invoice ...

    Currently, the Customer Sales History Report By Period does not account for invoice discounts in the calculation of gross profit. For example, if you have a customer ...
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    Enhance the Drill Downs in Sage Intelligence

    With FRx, the previous reporting package, the drill down provided the same column layout as the report being drilled down on. SMI only drills down on the number being ...
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    Allow user to Add filters to reports

    At a minimum, Add ability to Filter a report or form by any field that is included in the report. Allow users to add filters to reports on the fly and save new filters. ...
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    I would like the capability to staple individual clients when printing ...

    Under Timeslips, when creating a run of prebills, a list of clients is selected and the run is printed. Although my printer supports stapling, Timeslips doesn't allow for ...
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    Ability to correct typos in standard Balance Sheet report in software

    Currently there is a typo: TOTAL CAPTIAL ASSETS instead of capITal I cannot figure out how to correct this.
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    Accounts payable report by item code

    The ability to pull all invoices associated with one particular item within the accounts payable module > reports > Accounts Payable invoice history report. It would be ...
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    Balance Sheet Summary, Rollup to Main Account

    Ability to summarize balance sheet by main account and exclude subaccount detail.
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    Ability to change companies from within Sage Intelligence

    The process to run a report for another company needs to changed. Currently, you must: 1. Close Report Manager 2. Change companies in Sage 100 ERP 3. Relaunch Sage ...
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    work order inquiry report

    I am in need of a column to show quantity completed on this report. when I do a search by part number it only shows quantity due and once work order has been completed it ...
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    work order pick sheet

    the pick sheet form tells you how many of what parts to pick; but it does not tell you how many complete assemblies you are making. our shop assemblers always ask how ...
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    costed bom report

    the costed bom report generates incorrect results. we just completed a multi level vehicle assembly. the current last cost is correctly displayed in inventory ...
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    Ability to run a provisional (unposted) financial report in Sage 100 ...

    Would like ability to run financial reports for UNposted transactions, like we could in FRx. Example: journals currently entered in the General Journal, Transaction ...
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    Multi-part form by Workstation not available

    The SY_MultiPartForm.M4T file does not have fields to save the Report setting by workstation. Please incorporate as now it requires creating multiple Report Settings ...
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    Sage Intelligence - Option to use existing sub-reports when importing

    When importing custom reports in the Sage Intelligence Report Manager, currently a message notifies that a container already exists and to select yes to use the existing ...
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    Extra User Defined Data Field on AR Invoice Data Entry Screen

    As a manufacturer's rep, I rep about twenty different manufacturers. I need to be able to build a report that tells me the gross margin I make on each manufacturer's ...
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    Send multipart print jobs to the printer as one print job.

    When multiple users print a multipart form at the same time, the pages mix together because the printer receives each page of the multipart form as its own distinct print ...
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    Change "Print Items at or below the Reorder Point Only" to just ...

    Currently if an item is at the reorder point and you select the checkbox on the Inventory Reorder Report to "Print Items at or below the Reorder Point Only" the item does ...