• Votes


    Modify Data Entry Screens to show all data on a Single Page

    On the data entry screens, there is a Header, Lines, and Totals Tab. The screens should be updated where it shows all the information at the same time without having to ...
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    Program Setting for rights in the system to Create vs Edit

    There should be an option for key fields for allowing creation only or creation and editing. For example our jobs post to the GL per their setup job types. If one job ...
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    Do Not Allow Module vs GL Date Differences

    There should be a program setting to enforce module and GL dates to be within the same period. If this is not possible there should be a large alert that pops up ...
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    Ability to apply landed cost codes to line item

    I would like to be able to apply landed costs to individual lines items. For example, when receiving in a PO each line may have a different HTS code percentage and or a ...
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    Increase Paperless Delivery Email Character Limit

    Being able to increase the email paperless delivery character limit from 50 to 60 would be essential. This would be beneficial as some facilities rather electronic ...
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    Create an "eye" so user can click to verify their Password prior to ...

    Many Many sites (e.g. Windows login) provide the ability (via an "eye") to verify the password entered. Very frustrating to lock yourself out and even more frustrating ...
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    Change/Merge/Delete utilties save to Paperless Office

    Change/Merge/Delete utilities in each module to save to Paperless Office. These logs get lost. GL, AP, AR, IM, PR.
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    Nested Roles: Module-Specific within Job-Specific Roles

    In Role Maintenance, allow admins to create Master Roles with nested Roles within them. This would facilitate job-specific roles (master) and module-specific roles ...
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    Ability to Export and Import Visual Process Flow

    It would be nice to be able to Export and Import the Visual Process Flow. Reasons: 1. To transfer to other Sage 100 systems. 2. Make backups
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    The ability to print amendments on invoices In A/R Invoice Data Entry

    In A/R Invoice Data Entry - after amending an invoice (such as changing/adding a PO), let that new info. now print on the invoice. Would make it easier when emailing to ...
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    Invoice Data Entry Screen should show all information at the same time ...

    On the Invoice Data entry screens, everything should show at the same time (Header, Lines, Totals Tab). It would make navigation easier for new users by displaying the ...
  • Planned


    Positive Pay Report needs to be saved in Paperless Office

    When you print the Positive Pay Report, it needs to be saved in Paperless Office just like other Journals/Registers.
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    Price Level by Customer Maintenance

    Ability to select ALL prod lines instead of creating several rows
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    Option to remove Public Favorites

    For customers not using Public Favorites would like the option to hide them in Sage. For customers coming from older versions where that was not an option if Public is ...
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    Paperless E-Mail Options for Ship to

    In "Customer Maintenance --> Paperless Delivery Options" You have a the ability to add multiple emails to send invoices to. What I would like is on the "Customer ...
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    Paperless Office - Production Management Module

    Add support for the PM module to capture Work Ticket Printing into Paperless Office.
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    AP reverse check run, option to select just ACH payments

    I keep hearing from customers that paid vendors, both checks and ACH payments, but forgot to change the paperless output from "Print Only". They don't need to reverse ...
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    Application Server Configuration should not use a Sage User License

    Since the Application Sever Configuration program does not allow access to any function of the Sage Business Desktop it should not require an available User License in ...
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    Customer Maintenance Invoices Tab Date Sort is Wrong v. 2023

    If you setup the default sort order for the Invoices Tab of Customer Maintenance in the A/R Module to Ascending Date, it instead sorts it by Invoice TYPE. This is a ...
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    Line item numbering for purchasing, receiving and accounting

    Each line item on a PO should be itemized with a line number which should remain constant across receiving transactions and accounting functionality. this would make it ...