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    The automated intercompany feature should work for journal entries ...

    The automatic offset should be created on each company when have multiple companies in one JE.
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    Could postings of invoices, payroll, and any other entries to ...

    Our team finds that everything going to Unbilled WIP as a "bill" status causes problems once we have completed a billing to a partner. If anything has been posted since ...
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    ACA COMPLIANCE.: 1094/1095 reporting through AATRIX

    Doing my YEAR END REPORTING, i have found there to be an extreme FLAW in the data pulling from SAGE to AATRIX. I am a union employer and have MANY workers on and off ...
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    Create a pre check writing report, so you know how many checks to put ...

    Our printer prints back to front, so it would be helpful to be able to put the correct amount of checks in the printer.
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    allow equipment cost to create invoices

    Allow Equipment cost to create invoices for rental equipment etc. Or allow AR To write revenue invoices to Equipment cost.
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    Rearrange the order and position on the customs tab in employee setup

    to be able to rearrange the order and make fields side by side. We have certifications that need expiration dates and license numbers. I don't want to have a list ...
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    Have Year to date Accumulation Period Totals in Job Setup

    Why is Job Setup missing Year to date Accumulation Period Totals? I am trying to build a formula to calculate the Total YTD Cash Out per job and I need that field.
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    Prevent other users from accessing Equipment during close

    It would be great if when I am closing a module ALL dependent modules would be locked out until the process is complete. For example: When I go to close the Equipment ...
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    Have "Paid" on an AR invoice

    In almost every other payroll software when an invoice is paid and you reprint the invoice for the customer it has "PAID" written on it. Please do the same!
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    Ability to Change Payroll Check Face and Stub

    Ability to change the Payroll check stub and face just like you are able to do in AP. You did it in one module why can't you do the same in the other??!!??
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    Create Lien releases on our behalf

    We can create lien releases for our subcontractors and AP vendors, however, there is not an option to have lien releases created for a Job on our behalf so that we can ...
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    employee identification and expiration dates

    We have employees on Authorization work permits and work Visa's that have expiration dates. Would like to have a field where we can enter the identification numbers and ...
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    AP Vendor Insurance Info to prefill to PM Commitments then to prefill ...

    The Custom Fields setup in the Commitments automatically prefills out Custom Contract Tracking Log. The Accounts Payable Module needs to automatically prefill to the ...
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    Accounts Payable vendor info during invoice entry

    Please display the vendor's 2nd address line and its Receives 1099 indicator during invoice entry. There is plenty of space in the window for this task.
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    Accounts Receivable adjustment descriptions need to be accessible via ...

    When entering an adjustment through AR > Tasks > Enter Adjustments, you have the option to enter a Reference and a Description. Both are text boxes. When then ...
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    The web browser used in the desktop app is in need of upgrade.

    Our web page does not display in it properly and its not all that fantastic, built with pretty standard aspects of web design. Wordpress 4.7 PHP Jquery That's it. Any ...
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    Import Certified Indicator in Payroll Import Time

    We have several jobs that are certified, but some of the Cost Codes are not. We have the Certified? indicator in our import file. However, if the job is marked ...
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    Add ability to import transactions to Cash Management!

    Transactions can be imported into every other module - why not CM?
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    Autoset not working on Account number in AP Distribution screen

    If you click on the account number in the AP distribution screen to initiate the Autoset and duplicate the account number on the line below, it does not duplicate. ...
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    sort by date gl change entries

    (for a customer) It would be a great time saver when going to GL, Change entries if he could sort by date when there are multiple accounts that go back several years