• Votes


    Replace "You do not have a license" with a clearer error message

    Usually this message indicates a connectivity problem. It often confuses users who wonder what happened to their license. A better message could direct them to check ...
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    More control over default settings in Item setup in Inventory Control

    Default version of Item setup has "Allow in Webstore" checked off with no ability to change this. Would like more flexibility in setting the defaults for Items. This ...
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    sometimes i receive cheques from my customers that is more than the ...

    one of my customers outsource his accounting to India and sometimes i get a cheque that is either over the amount of the invoice or I get two cheques paying the same ...
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    Export desktop customizations

    I would like the ability to export Accpac dekstop customizations, like when I have created a custom folder with custom report shortcuts inside the folder. This would save ...
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    Don't force the left view panel to expand

    In Sage 300, there is a left view panel that shows the modules you have access to. The right side shows the icons underneath the icon you have selected on the left. ...
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    Desktop Customization for All users All companies

    Allow to add Desktop Customization for All Companies. Just like there is a check box for All Users, ad an option for All Companies. You can add and _ALL _C.ism file in ...
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    Optional field values active/inactive

    the system should allow that values loaded within and optional filed set can be flagged as active/inactive
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    Multiple Accpac companies within same database

    Accpac should have the ability to load multiple companies within the same database
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    Create MSI Package for Client Installation

    Create a an MSI install package to allow for automated push of the client install. In larger sites, it is rather time consuming to setup all of the clients with the Sage ...
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    Highlight the field the cursor is in

    It doesn't matter what module is being used, the location of the cursor is always a mystery requiring the use of the mouse to get to the desired field.
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    Print AP Check Option

    When we create a AP Payment Batch and every entry we have to untick the <Print Check> option. It is possible to have a option to select <Default Print Check> setup the ...
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    We need to Escape! Bring back the Escape Key

    In a similar way as asking for Enter to be reintroduced (see https://www11.v1ideas.com/Sage300ERP/Accpac/Idea/Detail/2395 ) PLEASE bring back the escape to close ...
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    Configure Default Batch Names

    Default naming conventions for batch titles should be configurable under G/L integration like the other fields that flow from subsidiary ledgers and various modules to ...
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    Sorting PJC billing worksheet

    when you create a billing worksheet in the project and job cost module can you make a field to sort by customer number so when they are displayed in the a/r batch it is ...
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    Allow users to access restart maintenance

    Currently only ADMIN can access the Restart Maintenance icon. Users cannot be given permission to run Restart Maintenance, this resource needs to be added to the ...
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    Attach a calendar to select a Session date

    Attach a calendar to select a Session date to pick a correct date to eliminate end user errors or confusion in MM/DD or DD/YY and quickly change the default date. To ...
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    Serial Numbers Mask needs to be more Fexible

    The Serial Numbers Mask is too rigid. Some vendors change the formatting of their serial numbers. The only option is to create a new part number and serial mask to change ...
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    Pricing UOM vs Stocking UOM

    On the order entry screen, I've just found a glitch. If the standard UOM is "FEET" and you change to "INCH" (or any other non-default UOM), the extended price will ...
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    list all process which are running

    can you please list all the proccess which are running
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    Cost Types and Cost Accounts in PJC

    In project job costing once a cost type is assigned to a cost account it cannot be changed. There should be a way to change it since the cost type can be used for ...