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    Uni Products - integrate the databases into the same dataset as ERP

    We do not want to use 2 databases for 2 products
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    Allow printing of drill-down screens in FR (Financial Reporter)

    When you use drill down in FR (Financial Reporter), there should be a print button so they can print drill down screens (transactions, in P&L, COA, etc)
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    Allow access of reports to multiple users

    Access options for reports - When adding reports to Accpac you have the option to allow it for the current user or all users. They want the option to allow it for a ...
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    Need a reconciliation function/report for purchase accruals

    For example, received goods in PO to result in, Credit Inventory Purchase Accruals Debit AP Invoice Clearing The current audit report is inadequate.
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    Need report to determine where to ship items that are backordered in ...

    Need report to determine where to ship items that are backordered in OE
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    Need report to identify receipts that not being invoiced in PO

    Need report to identify receipts that not being invoiced in PO
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    Create IFRS compliant reports

    IFRS is coming to Canada in 2011 and also coming soon in US. Need to be able to have some out of the box financial reports from Accpac which are IFRS compliant.
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    Allow easier creation of reports in FR (Financial Reporter)

    It will be great if there is some wizard-like tool or face-lift for FR so that it is easier to create reports from scratch in FR. Understanding all of the codes is hard, ...
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    Need some out -of-the-box budget reports in FR (Financial Reporter)

    There is currently no budget reports in FR.
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    PO Payables Clearing Audit List report to filter by unmatched records

    PO Payables Clearing Audit List report to have an option to print only Receipts that are still pending. Also to be able to sort and list down if the Receipt with ...
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    IC module to include a Fast Moving Item report

    To include a new report Fast Moving Items report, so show/list most sellable stocks.
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    OE: Report for revenue per kit subcomponent

    Accpac should have a feature/framework for spreading the sale price of a kit across the kit subcomponents. This way you could calculate sales revenue per kit ...
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    Standard income statement and balance sheet reports in FR

    Provide some standard and easily customisable templates for Income Statements and Balance Sheets. There are no standard financial reports in this system
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    GRN Reports

    Several clients have raised concerns regarding the functionality of the GRN reports since they do not allow for easy recon . As it stands now the report prints with all ...
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    I/C Markup Analysis Report

    When running this report, add the option to "Calculate Markup Based On" AVERAGE COST. At this time only Most Recent Cost, Standard Cost and Markup Cost are allowed. ...
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    In FR print multiple pages of a worksheet

    I love FR and would just like the ability to print all the/selected pages of an entire worksheet at once.
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    AR Statement Receipts total

    Client would like the ability to total all receipts on an AR Statement form (with show applied payments selected) in order to advise the customer of the total dollar ...
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    To have "Google Search" ability

    To be able to have a "google search toolbar" where, by entering keywords, a bunch of results from different modules will show up. For example, if I put i "ABC" (where ABC ...
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    Show the File Name only for OE forms

    This is probably more of a bug report than an idea but in forms reports in OE the full path is showing rather than just the file name. The path always obsucres the file ...
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    Repeat account numbers at the top of each page

    Repeat account numbers at the top of each page