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    quotation on ar customer inquiry

    In the new Customer Inquiry screen, there should be the option to see the open quotations from Order Entry for that customer.
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    Adding accounts to multiple companies at once

    For companies that have multiple offices and use a standard chart of accounts for all of them, it would be nice to be able to add a GL account to all companies at once. ...
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    A/P Vendor List

    The A/RCustomer List function in 5.6 is good, (would be better with an export button too) Duplicate this functionality for A/P please.
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    Clearing Inactive GL Accounts

    When running Periodic Processing and clearing Inactive GL Accounts, why can't it run through and tell you all the accounts that have history and can't be cleared and then ...
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    Reversal of transactions/payment: Bank Reconciliation

    If a creditors payment has been reversed due to incorrect bank details, etc, the original payment disappears from the EFT payment within the bank reconciliation. This ...
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    Allow a default item tax class as well as customer/vendor class

    On customer/vendor invoicing tab a default customer/vendor class is set for each tax authority. There has always been a need for a default item class for each tax ...
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    Track who created a Journal entry

    It would be nice to have a way to see who created a journal entry. I can see who last touched it with the AUDTUSER, but a clerk creates the JE and a sr accountant ...
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    national account - Credit Limit to reside at National Account record

    Is it possible to have the credit limit for all of the customers attached to this national account to reside at the national account level. This will then allow each of ...
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    PJC - Job and Non-Job related lines when capturing an AP Invoice

    It would be really helpful if we are able to have both Job and Non-Job related lines when capturing an Invoice through AP. Some things might be job related, and others ...
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    Create new customers from receipt entry

    Put a "new customer" button in receipt entry just like the one in the invoice entry screen. I quite often receive payments from customers that I enter as unapplied or ...
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    Bank Reconciliation - Quick Clearing

    Currently in 5.6 when you quick clear entries you only have a from and to range for withdrawal number. When you generate and process EFT payments in A/P you define it ...
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    Need GL Advanced Allocations

    Accpac GL needs an Advanced Allocations module like the one that was available from a 3rd Party a couple of years ago. This is a basic module that many prospects expect ...
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    AR Customer Inquiry add description and comment columns to middle grid

    The middle gird of the Documents tab that shows the detail lines on the invoices should have the description and comment fields added.
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    Changing Financial Year End

    The powers that be have decided that we are to run a 15 month "year" changing our accounting date from 30/09/13 to 31/12/13. So we need a 15 month "year" for this year" ...
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    Auto Reversing GL Journal entries should retain the original journal ...

    If a user needs to run reports from GL transactions and match them on the reference value in the journal, a manual reversal retains both the original reference and ...
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    Provide another file format option for GL Consolidations, like XML.

    Using CSV allows for too many errors during import - if there is a comma or carriage return in the entry description, the entire file gets thrown out of whack. We can't ...
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    GL Trial Balance as a specific document date

    The ability to run the GL Trial Balance report as of a specific document date would be nice.
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    Deleting customers

    It should not be possible to delete customers in AR if there are open orders for them in OE. Especially when OE is setup to NOT allow non-existent customers. No brainer ...
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    Vendor Activity transactions tab does not show reversed checks even ...

    If you add up the transactions of the transactions tab it will not equal the balance on the vendor if there were reversed checks.
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    Set default sequence descending on batch list screens

    Ability to set batch list to default descending by batch number (so most recent batches are at the top of the list) for GL trans batches, AR & AP Invoice batches, ...