• Votes


    Address Book Needs to have Security on who can add companies to the ...

    Also needs to sync with Sage 300 and have the vendor code in estimating address book to relate to vendor. .
  • Votes


    Quantities to Job Cost for (L,M,S,E,O) to be columns in spreadsheet

    To review estimate of quantities to job cost Detail window right click on Category detail Then you can see the Quantities to Job cost for that one cat, it should be ...
  • Votes


    Conditional formatting

    I would love to have the ability to allow for different row formatting, based on WBS values. This would allow us to highlight new items, or items to be discussed, or any ...
  • Votes


    "Below the line" items on totals page

    Sometimes we will have items that need to be included as lump sums on the totals page - preconstruction fee and previously bought bid packages are two examples - that we ...
  • Votes


    We would like the ability to change the phase suffixes on existing ...

    To merge existing databases, we would like to change the phase suffixes on one of the databases to produce 1 clean database with all the items we use.
  • Votes


    Database Documentation File

    I would like to have a location where the Database structure can be documented. To me, this should be part of the database and travel with it in backups/restore, etc. ...
  • Votes


    Assembly Guide and Attachments

    Current version 19.11 Need to revisit Assembly Attachments such as pictures, notes, hyperlinks to anywhere There was an assembly guide that generated htm pages about the ...
  • Votes


    Database variable help notes and links

    Current version 19.11 Need to revisit assembly database variable help notes to include items such as pictures, assembly guide notes, hyperlinks to anywhere Maybe the ...
  • Votes


    Ability to edit Estimate Database - Database Name

    It would be nice to have the ability to edit Estimate Database - Database Name. Version 17 allowed us to migrate but we had a copy of our estimating database you know in ...
  • Votes


    Update communicator

    It is reasonable to assume that our estimating products and Sage servers communicate. Based on what versions are installed some sort of notice about updates or upgrades ...
  • Votes


    Export to job cost settings persistant

    Allow the software to remember persistently then export to job cost settings.
  • Planned


    Adjust font size by column for Notes column

    The option to adjust the column font size was removed in version 18.12. It would be extremely helpful to restore this ability for the Notes column since you are able to ...
  • Votes


    In the Models, display large numeric question values with thousands ...

    The numeric question currently displays large numbers with no separators, i.e. 564263. I would like to have the field display larges numbers with separators, i.e. ...
  • Votes


    Need custom and more categories (Columns in spreadsheet that total in ...

    In the world of estimating and more people gathering data, there is a need for more than the 5 current categories. Labor, Material, Sub, Equipment, and Other are the ...
  • Votes


    Totals Page: allocate all or unallocate all

    On the totals page a nice time saver would be a way or some buttons button that might "Allocate all" or "Unallocate all" addons or "Reset to" totals page template ...
  • Planned


    Improvements to Show Estimate Grid under manage estimates

    Might be nice to have a button to click to start the procedure Also I spent a lot of time turning on and off columns and re-arranging them and sorting - but no SAVE or ...
  • Votes


    Review Assemblies – Pass Audit assembly

    1- Ability to select all entire table “Pass Audit” table (but not editable) and paste into excel sheet. Right now, we only can print the “pass Audit”. 2- Generate ...
  • Votes


    Copy and Paste from current visible items in Sage into Excel

    We can now copy and paste all visible layout into excel (by selecting entire row / rows), and paste into excel sheet, which by default paste all items (not phase) only ...
  • Votes


    Setting up resources in database needs Add_PREFILL.

    You have it in Rates, Crews, and Items but not where the user has to enter hundreds or thousands of items. Please fix.
  • Votes


    Setting up database Resources and Crews needs IMPORT and EXPORT from ...

    No building GC wants to type in hundreds or thousand of resources manually when he could import at the click of a button. No billion dollar heavy/civil contractor who ...