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    Posting account 1-8 can not be changed

    We just installed and are using Sage100, and we just found out that discounts we take for early payments for material are going to an income account. I have been in ...
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    Create a G/L Budget today for next year in Sage 100 Contractor 20.1

    I want to create a G/L Budget today for next year. There seems to be no way to do that in Sage 100 Contractor. "Are you serious?"
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    Delete GL sub-accounts by job when deleting job at GL year-end close.

    When closed/refused jobs are deleted at year-end, the related sub-accounts in the GL are not deleted. For all main GL accounts that are setup to "post sub-accounts by ...
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    Deletion of Departments if they have zero dollar income statements for ...

    We used to be able to delete a department after closing the job related to it so it would stop printing out zero dollar income statements. Now with the new system even ...
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    It would be extremely helpful if there was a search function when ...

    Would love to be able to check mark items using the space bar. Also check mark multiple items and be able to search. When you're looking through 1000 items a month a ...
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    Create a way to delete multiple 1300 & 2600 sub-accounts, or have them ...

    Our firm closes 300-400 jobs a year. But the subaccounts for 1300 & 2600 that are automatically created when a new job is added don’t get removed at year end when a ...
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    In 1-3 Journal Transactions, it would be nice to link the account ...

    Sometimes I would like to be sure the entry I have made has done what I wanted. The account linked would make it easy.
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    change fiscal year on company created from existing company

    Please allow the fiscal year on a company that has been created from an existing company in database administration to be changed. At the moment when you create a company ...
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    Transaction wrapping and error correction

    Add transaction wrapping, error correction function to Sage 100 Contractor. Audit errors – there should never be any errors. They should be caught at the time of posting ...
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    WIP Verification Checkmark - Admin Lock

    We continuously see the check mark coming off this box and it causing serious recording errors as a result. It is so bad that we have implemented a calendar reminder for ...
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    Allow Sub Accounts for Cash Accounts

    We use sage for all our construction needs, but also grant tracking needs. Need to be able to have cash post to sub accounts like the rest of the balance sheet accounts.
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    Bank Feeds - Columbia State Bank Biz Connect

    Columbia State Bank in WA is available to connect to via Bank Feeds only via their "Columbia Connect" portal which is for individual accounts, not business accounts. ...
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    GL report 2-7-0-21

    To allow the chart of accounts report (2-7-0-21) to be viewed alphabetically, not just by the general account number. It would be easier to look up the account number if ...
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    v21 1-5 Bank Rec not saving

    I save the final pdf (which is does save), but the bank rec screen does not clear out after save. Looks like it is still active on the page.
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    1-7 ledger account drop down needs commas

    When I open the drop down to view ledger accounts, there are no commas. Makes it difficult/unfriendly when looking at checking account balances.
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    Automatically delete 1300 and 2600 sub accounts at year end when the ...

    When closed jobs are deleted at year end, the associated subaccounts created for the job, 1300 & 2600 are not deleted. This creates a situation where hundreds of old ...
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    sub-accounts specific to each general ledger account

    Trying to delete sub-accounts prior to deleting a general ledger account - the sub account # which is automatically assigned to the general ledger account (credit card ...
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    Be able to drill down to see AP invoice(s) paid from Bank ...

    Should be able to drill down to see the AP invoice(s) paid from Bank Reconciliation check
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    Re: GL & OVH Labor - Possibility of establishing subcodes for OVH ...

    Those interest in controlling not only direct vs indirect but also detail indirect cost cost established by company policy.
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    In the GL cheque windows, need tax columns

    In the 1-1 to reflect taxes on cheques you have to enter the amount on rows.