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    Subcontract in A/P invoices

    When entering A/P invoices, the system should CHECK by job # and vendor # to see if a subcontract has been entered with the same job# and for the same vendor. Now you ...
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    Subcontract Auto-Close

    It would be helpful to have an auto close feature for subcontracts once invoices have been received for 100% of the subcontract value just like you have with PO's
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    Automate Updating ALL Jobs on Cost to Complete, Hrs. to Complete and ...

    When launching the Cost to Complete report, it would be nice if it automatically updated all jobs rather than having to manually update each one at a time.
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    locking a job from labor being posted and materials being bought

    we constantly have problems with employees posting labor or purchasing materials on jobs that are closed. I would like to see an option where all features of the job are ...
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    Add a Remaining Balance column to the PO window

    Please add a remaining Qty balance to the PO window so we can see them on the Master PO or any PO.
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    Invoice entry should auto populate job costs and cost types from ...

    It would be nice when entering an invoice that is tied to a Subcontract, the job cost information should follow from the Subcontract, not the vendor record. The vendor ...
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    Void 6-6-1 Purchase Order

    There should be an option to void a purchase order, not just delete or close.
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    Provide option to restart submittal # to 1 with each new job (like you ...

    We would like submittal numbering to start with 1 in each new job. Currently it automatically numbers submittals based on all in the system, not specific by job.
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    Search the entire job name, not just the beginning.

    Sometimes our field reports come back with a pseudonym which we include at the end of the Sage job name.
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    We need to add Job Status to "Lost"

    and not just Rejected as it allows us to create root cause analysis. For example, if we lost a job due to pricing or other reasons, we have no way to track that and ...
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    Export Budget from Takeoff based on Bid Item Types

    Need the ability to export budget based on specific bid item types (1 - base bid, 2-allowances, 3-Alternate, 4-Changes). If a project manager forgot to export the ...
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    Adding Cost codes - please allow us to change cursor to go down

    You can change the direction of the cursor in so many windows, but not in the cost code window. Please add that option under the right click like it exists elsewhere
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    Would like to see a RFI & Transmittal tabs added to the bottom of the ...

    It would make it easier to have RFI's & Transmittal directly connected to jobs via tab. Quicker access, is instead of backing out and going to 6-11-2 & /or 6-11-3
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    Please include payment information on Subcontract audit 6-7-4-31

    The Subcontract Audit should show a complete picture, however it does not show payment information. It shows an outstanding balance for open invoices, but doesn't ...
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    Job number on every page of reports

    Please print the job # and name on all the pages of all the reports. I frequently have to look at 2 or more jobs at the same time and once I move past the 1st page I no ...
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    Purchase order expired certificated warning

    When creating a purchase order it does not warn when a vendor has an expired certificate. It should warn like it does when you attempt to create a subcontract for a ...
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    The ability to assign a different department to each phase of a job

    I think it would be helpful if we could assign departments to a particular phase of a job, instead of only allowing 1 department to be selected in the main job window. ...
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    Standard PO should tie to Master PO

    When quantity changes are made on the Standard PO the changes need to automatically change the Master PO. The current system doesn't reflect changes to the Master PO when ...
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    Job Status report should show requested amount in open column

    The job status report has a column for open change orders but doesn't list the requested amounts. It will only list amounts in the approved column, but the change order ...
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    In Report 3-5-Change Orders be able to print the list showing the JOB ...

    When we print the list of Change Orders the report doesn't show the Name of the JOB which is really important. Avoids confusion when we have to print several lists from ...