• Votes


    Bring back PDF versions of user manuals, not just HELP screens, but ...

    Bring back PDF versions of user manuals, not just HELP screens, but actual in-depth manuals (like 3.71) that someone could read and understand how the software operates.
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    Paperless Office E-mail Log

    Many users really like the e-mailing capabilities of Paperless Office. But the one constant that I hear from everyone is the lack of e-mail log to track when and to who ...
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    Eliminate Extended Descriptions, Increase description field

    What a pain it is to work with these extended descriptions. Granted it is better than a few versions ago. But why can't we just increase the description field size and ...
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    Show the User who entered/created the transaction in all modules

    In Purchase Order Entry/Inquiry you can see which user created the PO. However in most places in MAS you can't tell who did what. It would be so nice to know who to go to ...
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    Make MAS Faster! Screen pops and inquiries take too long.

    Version 4.x of MAS is 2-10x slower than version 3.x. We find it's unusable in a normal install, we have to run it via Terminal Services. Screen pops and inquiries that ...
  • Planned


    Increase the length of the Accounts Receivable invoice number field.

    Businesses importing information from other software programs have A/R invoice numbers exceeding 7 characters. Example: Companies importing A/R invoices from a dispatch ...
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    Update Item Last Cost with Actual Price Paid to Vendor

    The Last Cost field in Inventory Maintenance is updated with the PO cost at the time a receipt of goods is performed. However, it is not updated when the receipt of ...
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    When voiding an AP check and NOT recalling invoice automatically pull ...

    NOT recalling the invoice for payment is in effect voiding the invoice, would simplify process if invoices GL distribution pulled in for us.
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    Provide better accounting for customer deposits.

    Provide better accounting for customer deposits so there is a separate subsidiary ledger of such payments that provides a clear record of all such transactions including: ...
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    Add the ability to group emails by customer when sending out forms to ...

    Add the ability to group emails by customer when sending out forms to vendors / customers using Paperless Office in MAS 90 / MAS 200. If you are sending 5 invoices to one ...
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    Bring back the chat function and ability to shut down individual user ...

    In a much older version of MAS 90 you could chat with other logged-in users. It was a very basic function, but quite handy. Also, if given proper permissions, you could ...
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    Automatically run rebuild sort files

    Since some of the fields in inventory such as on S/O, on P/O, etc. do periodically get out of sync with reality for whatever reason, it would be nice if there was some ...
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    Consigned inventory

    Add ability to track consigned in or out inventory without the use of work-arounds.
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    Show all cash receipts in Customer Maintenance.

    Currently, cash receipts that are entered directly to GL accounts are not shown in Customer Maintenance resulting in an incomplete view of a customer's payment history.
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    Allow multiple deposits and Deposit Types to a Sale Order or Invoice

    We have many cases where a customer might want to put a large deposit on a sales order with one Credit Card but tell us to charge a different card for the balance. Some ...
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    Increase the length of the Vendor Number field.

    Seven characters is not enough.
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    Make Bank Reconcillation easier to use

    Bank Reconcillations is complicated to set up and use
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    UDF Validation by Standard MAS tables in addtion to UDT's

    The scripts provide by Steve Malmgren are GREAT as are the accompanying scripts in the Custom Office export provided in the Partner File center. Unfortunately, these ...
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    Add Scrap Transaction Type to Inventory Transaction Entry

    In addition to Sales, Issues, Transfers, Adjustments, and Receipts...add a Transaction Type for Scrap. When making the adjustment, the cost would go directly to a SCRAP ...
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    Provide user options to prevent inventory from going negative during ...

    Provide user options to prevent inventory from going negative during multiple types of transaction entry.