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    Vendor Master Credit Limit Field

    To be consistent with AR Customer Master and to close a gap with Sage 50 (Peachtree), add a credit limit field to the AP_Vendor table
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    Show credit balance invoices in A/P Invoice Payment Selection

    In version 4.x, credit balance invoices would display in Invoice Payment Selection, allowing the user to apply a credit when selecting multiple invoices for payment. In ...
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    account inquiry by month

    with lengthy accounts like cash and inventory, it would be nice to have the Account Inquiry, Transactions tab filter by Month and not just by Year (and export that ...
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    Renumber the customer in CLOSED Sales Order in SO History when ...

    Currently, if an order is Closed, the customer number is not renumbered when doing a renumber. This is ludicrous. If you renumber all of the invoices (not just open), ...
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    remove double spacing of lines on a/p check stubs by shortening the ...

    With the advent of the longer invoice numbers in a/p, lines on check stubs require two lines when there are longer invoice numbers. A number of clients are annoyed with ...
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    Inventory Unit of Measure (UoM) and Common Foundations UoM Conversion ...

    I want to know why you don't extend these conversion factors defined in Common Foundations for UoM for Inventory and just only for Sales UoM for Inventory ...
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    A/P Repetitive Invoice Selection Lookup

    Add a Flashlight or "Select Invoices" to View a list of the vendors that you have set up Repetitive Invoices for; with the ability to select multiple Vendors similar to ...
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    Print from AP Payment History Inquiry

    Add print button in AP Payment History Inquiry to print AP Payment History Report (preselected for that payment) and another button to print the paperless check (if ...
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    Display number of days past due

    I would like to see the number of days past due on an open invoice.
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    AR - Cash Expectation Report needs to have 5 ending dates.

    We receive cash weekly and I plan cash using the Cash Expectation Report. Since it only has 4 date fields, I have to run it twice. I am filling in Friday dates and some ...
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    AP Expense Distribution Table - posting a negative percentage

    When setting up an Expense Distribution Table: Why aren't negative percentages allowed? As long as the total distribution = 100%, shouldn't this be ok? We use this to ...
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    retain source journal in general journal entry

    It would be helpful and more efficient when entering multiple journal entries using the same source code if the source code would stay until changed by the user. ...
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    AP combine multiple divisions on one AP check

    Allow a single Accounts Payable check to be generated to pay on-file invoices for the same Vendor number in multiple divisions and/or multiple companies. Allow a single ...
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    On The Fly Invoice Creation in AP Invoice Data Entry

    Often when we are entering a credit card statement into our system, an invoice is not yet created for a charge appearing on the statement for a particular vendor. Would ...
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    BugFix - Vendor Maint - Inactive Vendor/Reason Code

    Two issues: 1) Please fix the text on the message that pops up when you change the vendor status to Inactive for a vendor that has paid invoices in the history files. . ...
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    In AP, add a check box to Invoice Data Entry to indicate whether or ...

    States are cracking down on items being ordered online or from out of state vendors without paying sales tax. It would be easier for us to track items for which we need ...
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    make division number alpha numeric

    Either make the division number field longer or make it alpha numeric. When you have a company who has many divisions this is a problem and results in lost sales.
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    Prevent a Kit Item from Being Entered on a Purchase Order

    I would like to prevent a Kit Item from being entered on a Purchase Order. I suggest that Sage create a field in Item Maintenance where there is functionality like in ...
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    Form Code lookup button is unavailable when printing statements from ...

    Resolution ID 472140 - states issue corrected in version 4.4. Currently on version 5.0.3
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    Assign Use Tax at Vendor level.

    Use Tax is for vendors that do not charge. Most times this is consistent to the vendor. If I don't charge tax on invoice number 1 I am probably not charging on 2, 3 or ...