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    Miscellaneous Item Maintenance needs to have a field added to the Main ...

    Currently there is a field for Vendor Item Code but no field for Vendor Code. This would be similar to the Primary Vendor field in Item Maintenance. Miscellaneous items ...
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    Be able to search and bring results up in grid form.

    Adding data to new field, need ability to filter "Null" to bring up all acoounts missing data in a particular field instead of viewing one customer account at a time. ...
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    When a Sage CRM On The Fly order is created, the customer notes and ...

    When a On The Fly order is created in Sage CRM, the customer notes and credit checking boxes should pop up in the same manner as when you start at sales order entry. ...
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    Sage Sales Order connected to Sage CRM Opportunity link to Customer ...

    If the Sage CRM Opportunity field is filled on a Sales Order when viewed from Sage 100 or the Sales Order screen was launched from Sage CRM, the Customer No. field is not ...
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    Customer Memo: allow them to transfer when creating new account by ...

    We create accounts by the department that sells, services or rents to the customer so sometimes there are 3 accounts for same customer. It would be nice to have the ...
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    Solo users for EES installations - (off line users who can sync later)

    Add the option for offline users in an EES installation to be able to work offline and sync later.
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    Improve prospect quoting capabilities in SageCRM EES

    We need to be able to select which division a prospect is related to. Currently, the Prospect quote is associated with only one division. Our divisions are branded ...
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    Customer Maintenance Accounts Receivable

    In Customer Maintenance, can we please have the option to attach multiple files instead the just the one currently.
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    Lock Customer Memo Notes

    There have been times where people will go into a memo note and either erase the existing notes or add notes that does not pertain to the memo note description. Can ...
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    Create a Ship Via Code field in the saved ship to Addresses

    In customer maintenance you can set a ship via code to auto populate in an order once you choose that customer. Make it possible to add that option to the Ship to ...
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    Change customer support looped music every so often.

    Current one has been there a long time and is of poor quality also. If one is aggravated at having to call support. Then have to be on hold for an extended period of ...
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    Customer Maintenance "Items" page

    This drop-down page should show the year-to-date sales rather than just the first quantity sold in the current year (or whichever year). We have customers who order the ...
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    Sage 100 CRM Activity Log times log in local time not Dublin time

    Sage 100 - Customer Relationship Management - CRM Activity Log - currently logs activies from integration engine as Dublin time - this is confusing for users/IT teams ...
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    CRM Integration - Change in Customer should not synch ALL Ship-To ...

    Currently, a change to a customer record - such as Credit Hold selection- will synchroize ALL the Ship-To Addresses for that customer in the Sage 100 Integration Engine ...
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    SageCRM v2020 - What Sage 100 builds will it work with?

    Right now we only see a SageCRM v2020 build for Sage 100 2020. Which doesn’t do us much good because most of our customers are on Sage 100 2018 or 2019. Can we get an ...
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    Entering a new order via Sage CRM cannot see City and State fields of ...

    When selecting to create a new order when you have not got a company selected in CRM, one cannot see the city and state fields of the company list. Therefore, if you have ...
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    Last contact / Interaction Date report

    I need a report that allows me to implement an account lead policy. Ideally, I need to track accounts that have not had any attempts to contact or new notes in the ...
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    Swiftpage e-blast should give us a choice on where to place the ...

    Swiftpage e-blast should give us a choice on where to place the commuinication. One obvoius choice would be under the Company which in turn has the contact field already ...
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    I would love if I could allow access to change the terms code in the Sales Code Entry module. Not to maintain any of the codes, or to be able to change it in the ...
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    Make "Company ID from Bank" a selection under: For "Immediate Origin" ...

    In section 7-1 Company Information, under Payroll Direct Deposit setup and Vendor ACH Payment Setup add an option to select Company ID from Bank under the selection item: ...