• Votes


    Bring back PDF versions of user manuals, not just HELP screens, but ...

    Bring back PDF versions of user manuals, not just HELP screens, but actual in-depth manuals (like 3.71) that someone could read and understand how the software operates.
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    Paperless Office E-mail Log

    Many users really like the e-mailing capabilities of Paperless Office. But the one constant that I hear from everyone is the lack of e-mail log to track when and to who ...
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    Show the User who entered/created the transaction in all modules

    In Purchase Order Entry/Inquiry you can see which user created the PO. However in most places in MAS you can't tell who did what. It would be so nice to know who to go to ...
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    Make MAS Faster! Screen pops and inquiries take too long.

    Version 4.x of MAS is 2-10x slower than version 3.x. We find it's unusable in a normal install, we have to run it via Terminal Services. Screen pops and inquiries that ...
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    Bring back the chat function and ability to shut down individual user ...

    In a much older version of MAS 90 you could chat with other logged-in users. It was a very basic function, but quite handy. Also, if given proper permissions, you could ...
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    Automatically run rebuild sort files

    Since some of the fields in inventory such as on S/O, on P/O, etc. do periodically get out of sync with reality for whatever reason, it would be nice if there was some ...
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    Increase the length of the Vendor Number field.

    Seven characters is not enough.
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    UDF Validation by Standard MAS tables in addtion to UDT's

    The scripts provide by Steve Malmgren are GREAT as are the accompanying scripts in the Custom Office export provided in the Partner File center. Unfortunately, these ...
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    Decimal precision expansion through out the system

    Increase decimal precision to at least 6 through out the system
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    Provide drilldown capabilities on all reports

    Provide drilldown capabilities on all reports
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    Create Utility that will update ALL udf/udt fields globally at the ...

    Create Utility that will update ALL udf/udt fields globally at the same time. Currently, when installing an update (e.g. v4.4), the UDF's must be updated one table at a ...
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    Increase efficiency in issue refund check to customers

    Make it more user friendly and faster to issue refund checks to customers. The current method of doing the AP to AR clearing and then creating a check that doesn't print ...
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    Have MAS track WHO deleted items, eg who deleted a sales order, who ...

    It's amazing how many times I get calls from clients asking if there is any way to tell WHO deleted a sales order, or a PO, etc. Currently, I do not know of any way to ...
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    Increase the length of the PO Number field in Purchase Order

    Some clients use PO numbers where each digit is meaningful and the current limit of 7 characters is too restrictive.
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    Allow any master record to be changed to an inactive status to ...

    Allow any master record to be changed to an inactive status to eliminate from lookups and prevent posting
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    Add ability to enter mailing address when processing a manual check ...

    Right now, I type in the vendor's name when using a 'NOF' vendor and have to either to hand write the mailing address on the printed check or create a label and use a ...
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    paperless office migration utility

    There needs to be an upgrade utility for 4.3-4.4 upgrades to migrate paperless office data files and PDFs (without having to go in and move each and every document) and ...
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    Make Grayed out fields readable

    Since we upgraded from 3.71 all grayed out fields (eg Sales Order Number) are very difficult to read. Is there a way to make the grayed out fields darker to add back in ...
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    Fix On SO and On PO Quantity in Item Maintenance

    Several client's constantly have to rebuild sort files for SO and PO in order for the On SO and On PO quantities to be correct in Item Maintenance. So far the standard ...
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    allow user to change font size on screens without having to modify ...

    Office programs allow one to change font size of screen views. Sage should make it easier to view screens in font size that is easier for user to change.