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    Batch Processing for Check Printing

    Companies with multiple divisions, currently have to wait until one division's checks are printed and updated until the next group can be processed.
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    Positive Pay Export - multiple detail lines

    Need an option in Positive Pay Export to have at least two detail lines. There are options for multiple header and trailer records, but only one detail line. Union ...
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    Financial Trend Report

    The Financial Statement Trend Report should have an option to include GL account numbers
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    Export to Excel from grids Formatting

    Export to Excel from Account Inquiry>Transactions inserts leading spaces in the cells for the Debit column. Also, in Vendor Inquiry>Invoices Export to Excel formats the ...
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    Bank Reconciliation Issues with AP - ACH Payments

    AP ACH Payments are posting to Bank Rec with the check date as the "Effective Date", yet they are posted to the GL via system date for when it was posted. This should ...
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    Vendor recalculate aging button

    There is a recalculate aging button on the customer maintenance / inquiry invoices tab. There is not a recalculate aging button on the vendor maintenance / inquiry ...
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    Mexico carta porte traslado mercancía territorio nacional

    Wish there is an option to easily process "carta porte" traslado de mercacia territory nacional (e.g. manifest) 1. El destinatario de las mercancías, y su domicilio ...
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    Sage city knowledge and content for Mexico region not available

    Wish there is sage city option to include Mexico knowledge and content for Mexico or North america region, other then the USA for purpose to easily identify or locate ...
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    Mexico diot reporting

    Mexico DIOT reporting may not be available, from mexico e-reporting localization. "Mexico declaración informativa de operaciones con 3eros terceros SAT.gob.mx, on monthly ...
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    Approval Processes

    An approval process within the system that requires manager approval for various actions. Examples Check Processing: to allow check signer to approve checks to be ...
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    GL Trial Balance Report - Only Print Active Accounts

    Please add an option to only print "Active" accounts when printing the GL Trial Balance Report
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    Check run reverse utility should allow to reverse a range of checks

    Just had the opportunity to use the new utility to reverse a check run. The client did a run of serveral hundred checks and ACH payments, mailed out the checks and then ...
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    accounts payable check formatting

    1. old school - the amount of the check should be written out using the words "dollars" and "cents". VERY unprofessional. ***Fourteen dollars and sixty two ...
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    Customer Delete utility Deletes Active Customers and Customers with ...

    Currently, after testing this option in Sage 100 Version 2020, I've found that the Delete Customer Utility will allow you to delete customers with open invoices and ...
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    Our suggestion would be to add a CNTRL + F (search) feature on screens

    Our suggestion would be to add a CNTRL + F (search) feature on screens, so you can easily find something on a screen you are searching for. Often we go to a vendor and ...
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    Would like the option to add memos/notes to the AR aged Invoice report ...

    It would be nice if the memos/notes would print out on the aged reports for viewing by managers/collections. This would eliminate the need to transfer them by hand each ...
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    ACH/EFT payment option added to AR Cash Receipt

    With more companies sending ACH/EFT payments would be beneficial to add a drop down option of ACH/EFT as payment type in addition to Cash and Credit Card. Then allow on ...
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    allow comments posted to various subledgers show up on the TL/Daily ...

    cash receipt entered with the comment “Packing List Missing PO XXX” but this comment does not flow through to the final GL posting (only the check reference number does). ...
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    Ability to print a Quarterly Financial Report

    it would be nice to compare Quarters TY and LY on a financial report
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    Add option to prompt when adding new accounts in Account Maintenance

    For customers who want to control or would like more control over what accounts are available for posting. Currently when a user enters in a full GL account it is ...