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    A/P Remittance Advise Invoice Number Field

    The ACH remittance advise invoice number field does not have the same amount of characters as when actually entering the invoice. Therefore, if an invoice number is ...
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    Customizer: add ability to copy standard panel customizations to wide ...

    We have complex customized panels in SO Header, SO Invoice Header, and elsewhere. There is no way currently to easily copy panel customizations from the standard panel ...
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    In inquiry screens, have a clear button instead of an OK button.

    It is not intuitive to use an OK button to clear a search screen. you could also get rid of the button and let me type a new item for search and just hit Enter key.
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    Have a requisition tab within the Purchase Order tab so PO's can be ...

    See summary
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    VISUAL Company Code on Sage 100 Dashboard

    We have multiple companies, with a large % of same GL numbers. It would be GREAT to be able to look up on any Sage 100 screen and see at a glance WHAT company I am in, ...
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    Security by Customer,Vendor,GL account

    Security improvements. It would be great If any entry in any maintenance field (ie. item, customer,vendor, account maintenance etc) would allow us to restrict access by ...
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    select multiple invoices when processing a manual check

    When processing a manual check in AP module to be able to select multiple invoices instead of having to go one by one
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    Company Copy without PAYA

    Customers who use a different credit card processor like REPAY should not have to install the PAYA software in order to make a company copy.
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    grid views that revert to default view every time (Sage 100C)

    Some grid views such as payroll records, allow you to save your current view. Some grid views don't, such as 3-5 Jobs/Options/Vendor Certificates. Please make it so ANY ...
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    Allow Import of Cost Code without Temp fields & Formula

    Currently, Visual Integrator import jobs containing the Cost Code field require the use of temp fields and substrings to parse out the individual sections of the cost ...
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    Add the IRS Form 945 to the Accounts Payable menu

    Currently the IRS Form 945 is available in the Payroll Aatrix system and does not pull accurate figures, but it should only be used to report non-payroll federal income ...
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    finance charge Invoicing

    Please add an option on the Finance Charge Journal to create an A/R Invoice Data Entry Batch in lieu of posting. That way, invoices for f/c can be printed and reprinted ...
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    repetitive invoice utility

    Have an AR utility to delete, change or renumber AR repetitive invoices. If you have to edit 100 out of 5000 you have to do it through VI which means you have to import ...
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    Allow option to select lot in Order Entry when the order is "on hold"

    Currently you cannot select a lot when an order is on hold. This is necessary as in our business selecting a particular lot reserves it from being sold.
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    List customer deposit on invoice, with new amount due with hitting GL.

    We take a lot of deposits and they need to be in the customers account for everyone to see. But when we bill the sales order there is no way to just list the deposit on ...
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    Add ability to sort remittance advice by vendor name

    Currently you can sort check printing by vendor name, but not electronic remittance advises. You can sort the invoice payment selection listing by vendor name, but when ...
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    Global Item Field Change

    We want to change our restocking charge. We have a fixed restocking charge rate of 20%. It'd be much easier to globally set the value for every item, rather than ...
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    Excel Export Button in AR invoice history inquiry --> Lot/serial ...

    When you are in AR invoice history inquiry, on the lines tab for serialized items you can easily access the lot/serial history. However the lot/serial history pop-up has ...
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    When generating a PO in the sales order module, have the sales order ...

    I use the generate PO function all the time and love it. But when I receive my order for a certain PO I have to look it up to see what Sales Order it goes with. Right now ...
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    Ability to have the Sales Order Number match the Invoice Number

    Hi, It would be nice if Sage 100 had the ability to have the Invoice Number be the same as the Invoice Number. We send out quotes to customers and the customer pay for ...