• Votes


    Allow users to search for employees using just the last 4 digits of ...

    There are a lot of times I need to look up an employee but I only have the last 4 digits of his/her social security number. Some employees have more than one last name ...
  • Votes


    Payroll Permissions Security for Payroll Groups Salary vs Field

    Create permissions to give payroll clerks or other accounting people that are helping payroll when then are on vacation or sick, but clocks them from seeing any salaried ...
  • Planned


    Add "Termination Reason" as a standard field in PR Employee Setup for ...

    We would like Termination Reason to be a standard field in Employee Setup. The "Termination Reason" field is standard in the Canadian version but not in US.
  • Votes


    Increase Row and Columns in Enter time in Remote Time application.

    This would allow more visibility when entering time. Current grid is too small, and limited visibility.
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    Payroll tax updates should include more taxes and information.

    Include the federal and state unemployment limits along with others taxes such as FICA and Medicare in the payroll tax software updates from Sage. This request suggested ...
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    certified payroll

    When using Aatrix Certified Payroll Report have the report look at the employee setup checkbox to exclude from certified report instead of looking at individual time ...
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    log viewer information

    When changes are made to an employee record, allow those values to be entered in the log viewer. Currently there are very few changes which are logged tot he log viewer. ...
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    Include the unemployment limit with payroll tax update.

    Include the unemployment limit with payroll tax update. * Requested by Catherine Savino from Skyway Roofing Inc
  • Votes


    Please add a field in Employee Setup, on the ACA Coverage tab for the ...

    Having this info stored on the Employee Setup ACA Coverage tab would be great! This field could then be used to pull onto the Aatrix ACA forms.
  • Votes


    under Enter Time, allow SAL employees time to be calculated by the ...

    under Enter Time, allow SAL employees time to be calculated by the hours entered for that day. So when we break down their hours by job, cost code, etc, it will ...
  • Votes


    More boxes for Box 12 on W2

    Please add more boxes for Box 12 on the W2s in the Modify Forms > W2 Forms. So that, there is less likelihood of entering in the wrong data for the additional box 12 in ...
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    Need the ability to change the payroll check format to a custom ...

    The payroll check format is very limited. We do not print checks on pre-printed stock but use Create a Check to print payroll checks. Create a Check is no longer being ...
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    Inculde 401K Match iin the Certified Cash Fringe Rate

    401K is marked as a certified fringe in Setup fringes but is not included in the certified fringes hourly rate calculations. This causes an over calculation of the cash ...
  • Votes


    Shade the Exemptions on the Employee Entry info tab if use W4 amounts ...

    If the Use W4 check box is selected on the Entry Info tab of the Employee Setup. Shade the exemptions box. This box isn't used if the Use W4 checkbox is selected anyway, ...
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    Easier way to obtain the number of employees instead of counting one by one. Espeacially when time is very vailuable.
  • Votes


    Changes Need to Payroll Deductions and Fringe Benefits Resulting from ...

    Secure Act 2.0 allows for such things as: 1. 401K employer match paid on an an after-tax basis resulting in the employer match being subject to tax withholding paid by ...
  • Votes


    If time is entered on with daily hours, the Payroll Inquiry should ...

    I enter office employees time by the day - Monday through Friday I have to manually type in 8 hours for each day. Why does the hours not show up by day of the week when ...
  • Votes


    Please add security to State Reconciliation Reports under Tools in ...

    Cannot block State Reconciliation Reports under Tools in Payroll for specific roles.
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    have a field in employee setup for drivers license number

    We need to produce a list each year of our drivers, their dob and license number so it would be helpful to have a dl field in the set up
  • Votes


    void an entire batch of payroll checks at one time

    If i make an error ie wrong period end date I need to fix the entire batch of payroll checks so I'd like to be able to void them all at once, not check by check by check ...