• Votes


    When using the description field drop down box, when you start typing ...

    Right now it takes a lot of time to select Vendor names and to add to the required Description field. If when you start typing the system could give you several of your ...
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    For SQL V20 PLEASE restore the F5 lookup functions from V19 Screen 4-2

    V19 screen 4-2 search feature allowed keyboard for lookup last record. this is no longer available in V20. we would be able to find the last record in as little as 3 ...
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    Print vendor address on an envelope

    I often need to mail paperwork to vendors. I pull up the vendor info screen 4-4, open Word, get to the envelope printing function, type in the address that I have pulled ...
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    Create Separate Credit Card Charges When Paying the Same Vendor.

    When paying A/P invoices via credit card instead of a check using 4-3-2 it would be great if Sage would create separate credit card payments for each invoice like it does ...
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    invoice status option "pending joint check"

    Add invoice status 5-pending joint check. Someone else enters invoices and gathers releases. I pay invoices based on due dates, but can easily pay an invoice that is ...
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    4-4 Vendors

    Adding new vendors......when entering the short name for a vendor with multiple addresses, it gives a warning that the short name is a duplicate.....for example, the ...
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    on recurring payables can there be another floppy that will save and ...

    When saving a recurring payable, the invoice doesn't post, then i must go back and find it. Occasionally I think I have posted it. It would be so simple if it could do ...
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    Warning when someone else is cutting a check

    It would be nice to have a warning when someone else is in the process of printing checks or working in payables.
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    Set to Pay Report (With Scanned Invoice Attachments)

    Before paying vendors I normally use the "Print Set to Pay Report" so I can email the report to the three owners of the company before I send out the checks. If ...
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    Quick link to Run checks after selecting

    Add a quick link to jump from "Select Invoices" to "Pay Vendors"
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    Keyword vendor search

    4-4 Vendor search, It would be a great function to search by keyword. I have Estimators looking for vendors and subs by divisions but within those divisions there should ...
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    I would like to have the capability to download invoices from my ...

    Our main supplier offers the capability to have our supplier invoices downloaded directly into our accounting software which is Sage 100 Contractor 2017. Tech support ...
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    display LAST TRX number in 4-2 screen (accounts payable)

    We record the transaction number on all documents (paper and electronic) for accounts payable, so after the transaction is entered, we must RECALL the record to see the ...
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    4-3-1: Select invoices to pay

    The Select invoices to pay should list the DBA name as well as the Vendor name
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    Enter Accounts Payable Invoices in Sage in the Review status without ...

    Enter Accounts Payable Invoices in Sage in the Review status without job costing or posting the entry. We can track the invoices while waiting for approval from the ...
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    Have a reminder for credit card bills. The recurring payables and ...

    All our recurring bills are either in recurring payables (4-6) or recurring journal transactions (1-4) and we get a nice reminder that bills are due when we start Sage. ...
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    Show equipments payments on vendor file

    Can we please see the equipment payments in the vendor history of payments in 4-4. You have to attach the equipment to the lender, but the payments don't show up in 4-4
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    GL check payments do not appear in Vendor Reports

    Why don't GL check payments to a vendor appear in the vendor reports for that vendor? Embarrassing for you--- this should not even be an issue!!! You force your users ...
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    A/P Due date 60DY from end of month

    Example - Invoice date is 5/9/24 and my due date is 60 days from the last day of the month. SO, due date is not 30th or 60dy, it is 60dy from 5/31/24. Not sure how to ...
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    Close window 4-3-1 after saving

    After saving Invoices to Pay in 4-3-1, revert back to either the previous screen "Invoice Selection' or the home screen. Don't just stay on that blank page that you have ...