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    Pasting screenshots in notes would save a lot of time and effort

    It would be much faster and easier to paste a small screenshot in the notes sometimes. Especially since spreadsheets and word docs lose their formatting and you often ...
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    Report showing total amounts paid to vendors for the year; 4-1-1-62 is ...

    We have a fiscal year end of October 31 and need to run a report showing the total amounts paid to each vendor for the year end of December 31. We used to be able to use ...
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    View check stub

    When viewing a written check in Window 1-3, it would be so nice if we could get a list of invoices paid with that check - right from that screen - without having to go ...
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    4-3-2 Pay Vendors - Add refresh button

    If you're viewing the 4-3-2 Pay Vendors screen, and you discover that you need to add or remove an invoice from a vendor who's already displayed there, or if you want to ...
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    Create a warning when a 4-2 invoice is created for a subcontractor ...

    When an invoice is created and mistakenly NOT posted to a Subcontract, it cannot be applied to the subcontract at a later date, when the problem is recognized. This opens ...
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    Need to be able to make change in job cost grid in AP

    would be very helpful to be able to make change in AP to the job cost grid after a check has been paid. Sometimes you make a mistake and then the invoice never shows up ...
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    4-7-1 Credit Card Issuer Accounts Link to AP Vendor

    Please make it possible to link 4-7-1 credit card issuer with the 4-4 credit card vendor file. Or in lieu of that make it possible to see historical credit card ...
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    4-7-4 Recurring Credit Card charges. Link to Vendor file to update ...

    Screen only allows for Payee information, not linking to the vendor file, so there is no updating of the vendor payment records
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    Recurring Payables-End Date

    It would be awesome if we could create a recurring payable with an end date. Automatically ending after a selected amount of payments.
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    add website field to customer, vendor screen

    I would like to be able to add in a website on my vendor screen, customer screeen, etc. Possibly even add in a twitter or facebook page for vendors, customers, ...
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    Ability to print set to pay report alpha. There should be a choice of ...

    Sage 100 Contractor You can sort alpha to choose the invoices to pay, but you can't print the report of chosen vendors by alpha. It will only print by vendor number. ...
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    Default Checking # Pop-Up

    About two versions ago, a pop-up was added. When you're going to process a check (or anything that needs a check #), you put in your checking account # and a box will ...
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    4-7 Credit Card Management

    In the 4-7-6 Pay Credit Cards screen it would be nice if there was a Vendor field. We a putting our credit card company's name in the Payee field but that doesn't link to ...
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    report 4-1-1-61 Vendor 1099 Report

    This report used to be able to list vendors with their tax ID and 1099 totals to date. Now it only lists vendors and the 1099 amounts for current year and previous 2 ...
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    Move Vendor Remit Information to a Vendor Tab

    Create an "Other Addresses" tab in 4-4 Vendors and move Vendor Remit Information to that tab. Also, include space for an additional address with a drop-down (i.e., ...
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    Duplicate Invoice Warning-Change Color to Red

    Would it be possible to change the color of the "Duplicate Invoice" warning in 4-2? It is similar color to other warnings in 4-2 so easy to enter through when doing data ...
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    Set to pay from 4-4 Open Invoices tab

    Can you add the option to set to pay invoices from within the 4-4 Vendors Open Invoices tab?
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    use tax

    The new use tax feature in V22.1 is a good start. However, a couple of items for some companies: 1. The posting accounts that need to be set up: the Direct Cost ...
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    SAVE/POST simultaneously after adjusting amount on recurring payables

    We have recurring entries each month (ie utilities, credit card, ext), so the amount changes slightly. Currently you have to go to the recurring entry, update the ...
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    4-2, Vendor Name and job Number Desc. AP List

    In 4-2 AP Invoices list, you have a column for Vendor and a column for job. The Vendor is the Vendor ID, not the vendor name. The job number is the job ID or reference ...