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    Payable vendors 4-4 payment/invoice history.

    Why do only certain payable vendors show payment/invoice history? It would very useful to have all my vendors show payment/invoice history back to the first payment ...
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    Payable Vendors 4-4 needs to show when the last time this vendor was ...

    It would be helpful to show on the vendor screen the last time the vendor was paid in order to know if this is a one time use vendor or possibly went out of business. ...
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    Vendor expired insurance warnings need to include the description

    When the vendor insurance is expired the warnings that pop up do not include the job (new feature) or the actual insurance description. Please make the warnings include ...
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    Lien Waiver Status Report by job

    Need a report similar to the Insurance Report for vendors (4-1-1-41 thru 48) that tracks by date range expiring/expired insurance certificates. When we send out Lien ...
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    4-2 invoice and Job Cost grids - combine on one screen

    After entering the cost information on the 4-2 Payable Invoice screen, a separate screen appears for posting to cost codes, and the pull down window lists ALL cost codes ...
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    Show check date on paid vendor invoices

    It would be a great help when you clicked on Paid invoices at the bottom of the vendor screen that they would list date paid on them.
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    All types of voids should occur in the current period/year and not the ...

    This idea has been posted more than once. It is very important that this is fixed, as the way it is currently handled is just wrong and not acceptable accounting ...
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    please please please ... Open the Subcontract button so that an ...

    As there is no warning to alert to an open subcontract when entering 4-2 invoices, often invoices are not applied to a contract. I've been requesting this for 15 years ...
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    Need to be able to pay an invoice before the period it is posted to.

    It is often the case that we receive materials, etc. in advance of where we want it expensed to so we have to pay the bill prior to the month the expense is posted to. ...
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    More than one job number on an invoice

    Allow more than one job number to be entered on a single invoice and allow it to show up in AP (open invoices)on each job
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    Vendor Credit Line

    A warning should display when you are reaching your credit line with a vendor. There is no place even under the vendor for a credit line.
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    Vendors - Invoice Payments screen, list the job number next to the ...

    Currently, we have to go between the Paid Invoices screen and the Invoice Payments screen to verify the jobs/invoices are paid on a specific check. If the Invoice ...
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    reprint Accounts Payable check

    At the moment, the only way to reprint an AP check is to void it and reprint. There should be an easier way to do that without voiding the checks. Entered on behalf ...
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    When a vendor or customer has been marked inactive, they should not ...

    I am finding that even though a vendor is marked inactive, they are still showing up on insurance reports. The point of marking them inactive was to make the list ...
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    Joint Check "Secondary Payee" Warning when entering Invoices for a ...

    I would like to set up a warning similar to the Subcontract Over Limit warning when entering an invoice for a Vendor with an executed Joint Pay agreement. I believe this ...
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    Longer description on check stub

    I need a longer space for the description from the AP Invoice to print on the check stub. The field on the screen allows for more characters than the characters that show ...
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    Report for Sales Tax Paid

    I would like to see a report by tax district that combines both what hits the GL in the sales tax paid account and the A/P vendor invoice. We compare what we collect in ...
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    It would be great to be able to sort in the credit card reconciliation ...

    The availability is there to sort in a bank reconciliation but not a credit card. I would love to be able to sort by amount or credit card number, and to be able to ...
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    4-2 Jobs Costs should be in grid

    I would like to see the Job Costs in the grid on 4-2 instead of another box popping as there is duplicate information I do not need to re-enter. I do not need multiple ...
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    Connect Credit Memo to Original Invoice

    In 4-2, if there is a credit, have a reference line that enables us to connect the credit memo to the original invoice. When we look at the original invoice, it should ...