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    Customer aged report

    Please create a combined customer aged report that is just a summary of the totals customer owe, that does not list all jobs just summary of the total, current, 30days, ...
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    Customer receivables statement by location

    We need to be able to provide a statement by client location in addition to overall. We have several apartment complexes that roll up to a management company. Each ...
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    job status - restrict groups

    We need the ability to restrict access to changing the job status so that only certain groups can change the status. Right now the permit access to window is grayed out.
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    Allow alpha and numeric in bid items in 3-5

    Have the ability to enter alpha or numeric in the bid item field. Many contractors use alpha in their bid items
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    search by invoice number in cash receipts 3-3-1

    It would be a huge help to be able to search by invoice number on both the contract invoice and service invoices portion of the 3-3-1 screen. It's very cumbersome when ...
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    Under 3-4 AR Statements, should have the option to print a statement ...

    Right now you currently only have the option of choosing a single job(s) but would be convenient if you need to mail a statement for a job with multiple phase for just a ...
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    emailing vs mailing client statements - which one for this client?

    We should be able to email the statements that have an email in the field and then the system should auto print the remaining that do not for us to mail.
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    client po on statement

    Clients use their PO's numbers to address invoices due us. Please put the client po on the statements.
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    client po on statement

    Clients refer to jobs using their po #'s. We need to have that on the statement.
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    Service contract attachments

    It would be great to be able to attach my hard copy contract into the service contract area. That way the contract is readily accessible to anyone who needs it.
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    edit invoice after being created from progress billing

    there used to be an option to edit the 3.2 invoice after it was generated from the 3.7 progress billing screen. We used departments when cost coding so I have to copy, ...
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    closing progress billing applications

    I would like to close jobs that have stayed open even after billing 100% in the 3-7 progress billing screen. It would be nice to have the option to close them or void an ...
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    3-6 Clients - Service Invoice History / 11-2 Invoices - Locations Sort ...

    Right now it only sorts one way - oldest on top. When I have clients with a lot of history I have to scroll all the way to the bottom to see the most recent or to know ...
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    progress billing by phases with notes attached,

    when entering 2 proposals under 2 differnet phases, the notes should save per phase and not be one note for all phases.. also when creating an invoice from a proposal why ...
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    Retention Release - When retention is released, the system ages the new retention invoice from the original bill dates. This is incorrect. Aging on the newly created ...
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    AR Statements - POs

    It would be great to be able to modify or have a report that would also pull the PO numbers from jobs/Work orders and show on the statements.
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    allow adding attachments in progress billing after posting.

    Attachments can be added before a progress bill is invoiced and posted, but not afterwards.
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    Combined Statement should have the job invoices separated from the ...

    Who would want this: Anyone who has clients that have both jobs and service invoices on their account. Why it's valuable to them: Send one statement vs two, and it would ...
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    3-2 Receivable Invoices / Credits

    There is not enough characters allotted in the " * Description " field. Should have more room to type info on the same line.
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    Have a dedicated spot for the email address to the accounting dept. of ...

    I have to share MB with other people who create the proposals/quotes. They almost always use a different email address than I do when I email the invoice if the client ...