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    3-7 Progress Billing (Canadian Edition): allow the user to manually ...

    3-7 Progress Billing (Canadian Edition): allow the user to manually override the Goods and Services tax calculation. Certain federal statutes require the user to change ...
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    Finances charges per client should apply to all their jobs & print on ...

    We should be able to specify the finance rate per customer & have it apply to all of that customer's jobs instead of having to specify for each job/contract. It seems ...
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    Project Management documents to job tab

    I would like to be able to see all related transmittal, submittals, etc. on a tab on the job tab just like the invoice tab or subcontract tab on the specific job tab.
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    Bonding Report Cost Budget Figure

    When downloading the bonding report, if the cost to date exceeds original budget it replaces the cost budget with the cost to date. Can sage have a way of preventing that ...
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    Reprinting T&M invoices

    Would be nice as a standard feature if we could reprint T&M invoices. Either separately, or group some into one printed invoice. Rather than having to have a reprint ...
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    invoices created from progress billing

    Should be able to click on invoices at 3-2 and go to source (3-7) without having access to the General ledger 1-3 screen. Besides the obvious security reasons ( ie: ...
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    Progress billing-phases-change orders

    We periodically have 2 contracts issued for a project where labor and materials might be separated by the GC on tax exempt projects. We were instructed to utilize ...
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    Select certified payroll by phase

    In 3-5 Job you can check box to Require Cert PR. We also use Phase, to distinguish between work onsite or off. Employees may work both onsite and off, so excluding from ...
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    Display all Client Addresses on One Tab

    In Sage 100 Contractor, the receivable clients have one tab for "Address 1" and a separate tab for Bill Address and Shipping Address. It would be handier to have them ...
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    Daily invoicing, including labour

    Please provide a way to create a computed daily timecard in order to daily invoice in T& M billing. Right now you can only create weekly, bi-weekly etc. timecards to T&M ...
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    An actual retention bill that line items just like a progress bill

    When you release retention this should create a progress bill just like the others. It should also show up on reports just like a progress bill and age by itself. By ...
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    Add Job Status of "2" to Update tab

    When using the Update tab in 3-5, add status "2-Refused" so that we can update the jobs that are still in the bid status.
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    When downloading reports with job number to excel can it be in a ...

    When exporting reports from 3-5 or 6-1-8 Bonding report to excel for job number to be formatted to number and not text.
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    creat a report to see payment history in days 30, 60, 90

    This is no report that shows a customers payment history in days
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    Paid Receivable Invoice should say "Paid" on it, not just show zero at ...

    When I send paid invoices to clients for their records, they are confused because the billing detail still shows, it just puts 0 at the bottom. Other systems will show a ...
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    Progress billing (3-7) - lengthen description in grid to 50 characters

    In the 3-7 progress billing, please lengthen the description in the grid to 50 characters long (there is room on the AIA form) as soon as possible. This would be much ...
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    Receivables Aging - Sort by Client only

    3-1-3-21 We like the list form from Sage 50. In order to get that in Sage 100 we would need a box for Sort by Client only so that it doesn't subtotal each job.
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    In 3-5, under the project dates and sales information tab, I would ...

    Even after changing the headings (which is allowed) this does not automatically show up on reports. Can this be changed?
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    In 3-5 add a drop down at Address 1 which would transfer to 3-6 to add ...

    In 3-5 it would be helpful to have a drop down at Address 1 which would transfer to 3-6 so that a new job address could be added. We have many different jobs for some of ...
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    Automatically post which employee opened a new job number.

    When viewing invoices or PO's it is extremely helpful to see who entered them. The same would be fantastic when opening a new job number. So many times we have run in ...