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    WO Zero Quantity Warning

    It would be helpful to display a warning if trying to complete a work order at quantity zero, similar to the one that is shown if you try to complete it for a quantity ...
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    The ability to go to BOM from Item Maintenance when entering a new ...

    Right now you can go to BOM when in Item Maintenance but only for existing items with kits. It would be great to be able to go to BOM directly from Item Maintenance when ...
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    Ability to enter retention rate or amount in PO Receipt of Invoice

    Add retention rate and retention amount in PO Receipt of Invoice. This eliminates a second step of going into AP Invoice data entry to adjust the invoice in order to get ...
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    Reschedule checkbox for work orders

    There is an MRP reschedule field for Purchase Order lines. There should also be a reschedule field for work order material lines. Reschedule (for PO lines) Select this ...
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    Change the backorder status of PO to Incomplete

    Much confusion arises between a PO status of back order versus a backorder quantity on PO. A PO can have a backorder status if a receipt of goods but no invoice has been ...
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    Add totals of all warehouses to inventory inquiry screen, qty on hand, ...

    In I/M inquiry I would like to see what the total qty on hand, PO, SO, etc is for all warehouses. Can we add a totals row to the bottom of the grid?
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    W/O cost roll up register should reference a quantity when addressing ...

    If operations on a routing are of the LOT type and standard costing is being used, the W/O cost roll up register assumes a work order quantity of 1. This causes labor ...
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    extended item descriptions in BOM

    the option to have the extended item description in the BOM
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    Store a different standard cost by warehouse

    Many manufacturers have different production costs for an item based on the plant location where the production is done. Component costs may differ widely for different ...
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    Need a function to replace BOM components on a range of BOMs

    Add the ability in the 'Relace and Delete Component Entry' to select item by a range of BOMs. This would help when there is a multiple to one ratio of components instead ...
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    delete bill of materials utility

    A utility should be added to Bill of Material that will allow one to delete a bill of material or a range of bill of materials. Currently this is not possible and clients ...
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    Allow a standard scrap % to be set on an item.

    Allow a standard scrap % to be set on an item so that is is not overlooked in BOM. Like many, we cut extrusions to make products. We have a good idea of a standard ...
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    Create a function which allows for an Administrative election to not ...

    In order to accurately track On Time Delivery of suppliers, it would be beneficial to "Lock" the PO Due Date when the PO is created; add a field for "Revised PO Due Date" ...
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    Add an Administrative Option to set system to not be able to ...

    Currently, only a warning pop up is used to prevent an employee from issuing or shipping more inventory items than are currently on hand. If the employee clicks, "ok", ...
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    MRP and Maximum Stock Level

    Modification to MRP to use Maximum Stock Reorder Method when making reorder/make recommendations as it does on the Inventory Reorder Report. Currently MRP only recommends ...
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    Item Memo to show up during receipt of goods

    We have several items where something needs to be done before they can go into general inventory. Some items need to be verified by engineering, some items must be pre ...
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    Search by vendor and customer alius part number in inventory inquiry.

    Search by vendor and customer alius part number in inventory inquiry. ref: SAGE 100 ERP Ver: 5.008
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    need to add an allocate and un-allocate option to the kit option to ...

    need to add an allocate and un-allocate option to the kit option to keep track of inventory, and be able to make a (in production location) for such inventory
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    BOM requirements reports

    Allow more than one person at a time to use the BOM Gross Requirements report or the Component Requirement Report.
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    The "quantity on purchase order" field should include all open ...

    This field is shown in Inventory Item Maintenance/Inquiry and on the Inventory Reorder report. It is misleading to show the demand created by a work order or sales ...