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    Change Serial Number Format

    How about an option to change how the Production Entry serial number format is laid out. If I want to have a serial # with Letters designating the facility where ...
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    Cost Register Roll-Up option to exclude purchased parts.

    When running the Cost Register Roll-up, purchased parts that have BOMs are automatically included in the update. This forces you to remove BOMs from purchased parts even ...
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    Add ability to copy Miscellaneous Charges from Bill of Materials to ...

    Currently, when Copy From Bill of Materials is selected when creating a Work Ticket in Work Ticket Entry, the Miscellaneous Charges are removed. This is functioning the ...
  • Planned


    Can we have a field for template description in Sage Production

    It would be very useful to have a description field for templates in Sage Production. Currently it uses the description of Step 000000 as the description which is of no ...
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    Production Management Work Ticket Totals tab should display Fixed and ...

    Currently, Fixed and Variable Overhead are included in the total Labor, Material or Direct Cost. Detail is available on the Work Ticket Transaction Detail Report.
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    Work Tickets Autogenerated from IRP should Auto Release based on ...

    Currently, the Work Ticket must be selected in Work Ticket Entry after being autogenerated for the status to change to Released.
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    closed/completed work ticket re-opening option

    sometimes a work ticket is closed inadvertently for a variety of reasons. It would be very helpful to be able to re-open a fully completed work ticket in production ...
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    Production Management Work Ticket inquiry screen do not have subtotals ...

    When looking at the inquiry tab on the work ticket , it will be useful to see total cost at the bottom of the panels
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    Production management - when closing a work ticket, the inquiry screen ...

    When a closing of work tickets are performed the following do not happen: 1) the closing register only shows the work ticket being closed with the parent item. The dollar ...
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    Production management - when closing a work ticket, the inquiry screen ...

    When a closing of work tickets are performed the following do not happen: 1) the closing register only shows the work ticket being closed with the parent item. The dollar ...
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    Add Batch Processing to Direct Time Entry

    Add Batch Processing to Direct time entry.
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    Increase field size of "Product Line Code" in Product Line Maintenance

    Please increase the size allowed for the "product line code" in product line maintenance. 4 characters is way too small. I think it should be a minimum of 10 ...
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    Add Miscellaneous Items to Bill of Materials

    Presently, only Items and Misc Charges are permitted in a BOM.
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    Ability to create UDF to lot or serial number in production completion ...

    With the Sage Production make to stock being the business framework replacement for work order we should be able to create a UDF to the lot or serial numbers during the ...
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    production entry do not allow inactive items to be used

    When we flag a component item as inactive in IM item maintenance, it should not be alowed in a production entry. If someone forgot to change the bill of materials there ...
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    count card entry does not allow entry if BOM is inactive

    Message is this "You cannot use phantom or engineering or inactive bill types". Why would that be the case. We make a bill inactive so that no one accidentally grabs the ...
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    Un-receive inventory items when using FIFO

    In the purchase order, when having to un-receive items, it would be nice if we are able to choose which tier we want to un-receive. We are using FIFO, and it is creating ...
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    IM setup option: When a LOT, FIFO or LIFO Tier goes to zero, ...

    We have to run the "remove zero qty costing tiers" utility daily to unclutter the lookups. Production entry, shipping, transfers are easier to use if there are not a ...
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    Open a string of WO numbers

    I open all the fabrication work order's [WO] at my company. Some of these Assemblies we build contain over 100 items. I would like to be able to reserve a string of ...
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    explode subassemblies default should come from the BOM item

    The explode subassemblies option should be controlled at the BOM level. Some make items always explode subassemblies while other make items DO NOT explode subassemblies - ...