• Votes


    Payroll/Direct deposit - deactivate old account (in addition to ...

    In the Payroll/Direct Deposit area, there should be a way to deactivate an account so you can't accidentally send funds to an old account (in addition to changing the ...
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    need the ability to enter employee account numbers assigned by ...

    need the ability to enter employee account numbers assigned by government departments, ie child support. At the current time, i believe this could be done via a UID & ...
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    Job Cost line item deletion restrictions

    I would like to be able to restrict certain roles from being able to delete line items in the Job Cost Module from Job Billing Data Entry. Or at the very least we need to ...
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    Sage 100 ERP need the ability to reprint journals from all modules

    Currently you can only reprint general ledger module transactions. You should be able to reprint journal is ALL modules
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    Payroll Data Entry - Add G/L Account

    Please add the General Ledger account that the detail line will be posted to in data entry. This should work similar to Sales Order where it bases this on department, ...
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    Department maintenance: It would be nice if there was an option to ...

    It would be nice if there was an option to allow an employee who works within several different departments to group their wages/check from each department together, but ...
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    item lot numbers issued directly to job through purchase orders to be ...

    Currently inventory items with lot or serial valuation method issued to a job directly from purchase order, will not have lot numbers recorded in the job transaction ...
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    Add a limit to the number of hours a payroll benefit can accrue

    Many companies have policies which limit the total number of hours/days that an employee can accrue before they reach a limit at which point the benefit accrual stops. ...
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    ACA Employee Maintenance - Monthly Detail Scrolling

    Change to the ACA Employe Maintenance - Monthly Detail data entry window to allow user to select a year and then scroll through each employee for the selected year only ...
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    Add ability to generate an ACA Employee report

    This would be extremely helpful, to easily verify ACA employee information entered into Sage 100. This enhancement request has been submitted to Sage engineering for ...
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    Not able to enter Total Employee counts for Other Members of an ...

    Total employee count field is not available in the Other Members window in ACA Employer Maintenance This is currently working as designed. The total employee count ...
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    ACA Employee Maintenance - ability to copy codes/data from Dec of ...

    On the offer of coverage/ emp cost of min essential plan/ safe harbor ACA employee data, it was wonderful to have the copy to remaining rows functionality. Especially ...
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    Payroll Departments Earnings Code

    A warning note if trying to code payroll to an earnings code that is not set up for that payroll department.
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    Add a "reverse invoice" task for job cost billing invoices.

    Once an invoice is created from a job cost billing transaction, reversing the entry is complex and time consuming ... especially for % of contract billing method. A ...
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    ACA Reporting

    ACA Reporting – could some fields be self-populated by a workflow based on payroll reporting. IE. ALE Membership Information Monthly. Also could the spread sheet import ...
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    Married but withhold at a Single Rate

    Would like to see a default code for Married folks who choose to have their taxes withheld at the Single rate. The problem with using the Single code for someone who is ...
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    While entering invoices through the AP or PO modules that hit job ...

    Why should someone in job cost inquiry hold up posting?
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    In Job Cost Reports, for the Job Transaction Detail Report, have the ...

    It is so time consuming having to go back thru JC to call up the report each time you want to search for a different job or change the dates. Would be great if the ...
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    In Job Cost Reports, for the Job Transaction Detail Report, have the ...

    It's so time consuming having to go back each time you want to look up transactions for a different job or date. Would be nice if the screen would stay and you could ...
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    Affordable Care Act - provide a way to update the monthly coverage ...

    Affordable Care Act - provide a way to update the monthly coverage info for each employee easily by department - employee type or some other type of coding The amount ...