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    Would like to see commitment by Sage to the Project Accounting Module

    The Project Accounting module seems to be an after thought with not much in the area of increased functionality. A basic needed change is full integration into Sales ...
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    MRP needs to be able to look at Blanket Sales Orders

    MRP currently does not look at blanket orders. When you are dealing with raw materials that have a long lead time and large minimum runs, blankets are required to secure ...
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    Add a checkbox in MRP to allow for the exlusion of safety stock

    Sometimes you want to run MRP and just see what you need to make to get by and not see all of the items that are below their safety stock. Simply add a checkbox to the ...
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    Add the ability to delete a routing

    You should be able to delete a routing after deleting the work orders.
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    Material Scrap Improvement

    During our production process, some raw components of the produced item get scrapped while other raw components get reused. The current scrap process within MAS 500 only ...
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    Allow entry in "maintain vendor items" for all item types

    Currently you can only add vendor price breaks for item type "finished goods" or "raw material". We buy plenty of re-occurring non-inventory items with item type "misc" ...
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    Allow the usage/issue of materials in various UOMs.

    Currently the routing defaults material to the stocking UOM. The system should allow the user to dictate the UOM (Any valid UOM from the conversion list) the material ...
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    Improved tracking of Outside Processing (farm-out work).

    We have situations where we take components issued to a work order and send them out to a Vendor for machining/processing/testing. We accomplish this through the use of ...
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    Enable enforcement of processing sequence in work order steps

    The ability to enforce a sequential process is critical to some clients. An option should be allowed at the work order header and at the operation level to enforce ...
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    Allow work orders to be linked for reporting

    Create the ability to link work orders together and allow for reporting total actual material and labor transactions for all linked work orders. For example, companies ...
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    Allow one warehouse to carry standard cost for multiple warehouses

    Add ability to associate warehouses similar to the MRP Consolidate Warehouses screen. For example, this would indicate that warehouse A would be used in all costing ...
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    New Item Type "Component"

    Add an Item Type that specifies "Component" for parts that are not purchased raw material and not finished goods that you sell, but items you fabricate that go into ...
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    BOM Global Replace to include an option to replace the Mat Routing and ...

    When replacing a Material Item that has a "Mat Routing" and "Version" assigned (i.e., a subassembly), the "Mat Routing" and "Version" are removed during the BOM Global ...
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    Provide a warning if you are about to change the status of an item ...

    We should not be allowed to change an item from active status in Maintain Items if that item has an active routing or is used in an active routing.
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    In MRP, do not consider current period Projected Demand if Start Date ...

    On the 'Options' tab in MRP, a Start Date must be set to identify the beginning of the MRP plan you are creating/running. If this date is set to a date in a future ...
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    MRP / IR should be able to automatically set up PO's based on a ...

    We have ReDistribution business that orders in Truckload quantities. We would like IR / MRP to create PO's based on a standard order size (truckload). Each truckload ...
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    Scrap percentages at component level

    Need the ability to enter scrap percentage at the component level that affect only that component. Currently scrap % can only be set at the labor step and it is ...
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    The ability to allow Negative Inventory should be controlled at the ...

    There should still be a setting on the Set Up IM Options screen to determine whether a company will allow negative inventory in any warehouse, but there should also be a ...
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    Packing Slips for Mulitple Items

    There needs to be a way to combine all shipments on to one packing slip document. If multiple items are physically shipping out on one truck, multiple packing slips must ...
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    Provide a streamlined BOM regeneration process capable of updating the ...

    While material ID's can be readily added, changed or deleted in routing maintenance, that operation does nothing to update the bill of material. Clicking the BOM button ...