• Votes


    Need up to date and detailed instructions for installing Sage 500 on ...

    Looking at the documentation for installing Sage 500 in version 2023 it seems to be a bit outdated and needs to be reviewed to avoid any set up issues. It should have ...
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    Bulk delete of allocation codes and percentages

    We have 145 distinct allocation codes and over 1000 percentages which have to be keyed. Each year we “start fresh”, removing those we no longer use, update some existing ...
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    Sage 500 DataMgr should support all current SQL Data Types

    Not sure if is possible knowing the age and technology behind the Sage 500 DataMrg, but it needs a little updating to support SQL data types such as BIGINT. Recently ran ...
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    Change A/P payment list to vendor name order vs. vendor number order ...

    When you run the A/P select invoices for payment the list that comes up is in vendor number order vs. vendor name order. Vendor name order or alphabetic order is much ...
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    "Client Config Utility" add a Configuration file or Command line ...

    For MAS 500 When you start the Client Config Utility it defaults to a SQL server, picks local or the network SQL server in general. I want a way to set the preferred SQL ...
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    SAGE 500 ERP MAPI export does not work when desktop client hosted on ...

    We need to be able to export invoices using MAPI, rather than copying the invoice to a shared drive and then using email on personal workstation to access shared drive ...
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    Add Reports location to installer

    I like having the reports on a network share. That way, I only have to have 1 location of custom reports and all the users are using the same reports. It would be nice ...
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    User Group Field in Maintain Users

    We would like to have a field on the User screen which would allow us to designate additional information such as Department, etc. This (these?) field(s) would not ...
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    Fix Cash Management Withdrawals ~ Randomly Posting with -1 ...

    Hello, It would be nice if we could fix the Cash Management Withdrawal issue that results in transactions randomly posting with -1 CurrExchRate. We are not ...
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    ACH processing issue

    When ACH file is processed it brings the primary vendor name to the bank file(text file). In case of third party payments, the remittance is printed correctly with ...
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    Performance Improvements - Inventory Available (sales orders, ...

    It looks like the inventory availability is all calculated in this stored procedure, spimIMSQtyAvailable. This stored procedure has multiple loops and is very ...
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    Use enter key as opposed to "refresh" or "ctrl+Shft +R"

    It's time consuming and takes extra steps when doing inquiries, reports etc., when having to "refresh" or "CTRL+Shft+R as opposed to using enter key.
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    SDK Documentation needs to include a section on creating custom Data ...

    Current Sage 500 SDK Documentation does not contain any information on the proper steps to create custom Data Alerts in Sage 500. Recommend adding this information to ...
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    Data Alerts - Add specific error message for improperly entered email ...

    On the Data Alerts screen, if the email addresses are entered in the following format (joe@google.com, jane@google.com, jim@msn.com) and error message displays indicating ...
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    RMAs Search Screen

    Please allow for more information to be pulled when searching for RMAs. To have the dollar amount would be exceptionally helpful to reduce the search time.
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    Add credit limits to the Customer Analysis report

    Please add credit limits to the customer analysis report for better decision making. Having this information in one screen prevents you from having to open the Maintain ...
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    Add button to Maintain Customers to automatically pull current ...

    Have a button that can be pushed to access a customers current statement or analysis. This allows more efficient use within the system without opening several modules.
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    Add "Report Path" to Client Configuration Utility

    We use SAGE across 3 virtual servers servicing approximately 140+ users. It would be great if the client configuration utility allowed us to switch the report path in ...
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    Add ability to reset a user's Business Desktop menu structure to a ...

    In some cases, database corruption, bad links, etc. cause issues with a user's business desktop menu. A nice to have feature when these issues occur is to have the ...
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    spell check on Invoices and Vouchers

    It would be great if we could have a spell check feature on Invoice and Voucher Extended Comments.